`The Passion week I knew`

Updated: Apr 15, 2011, 14:49 PM IST

<br/>Jesus Christ is called the personal revelation of God. He is the living world. He is eternal. Never was a time in all eternity where the son of God was not in existence. <br/><br/>No one created him, he has always been there! Yet the son of God became man and child for us. He was made flesh. He did not cease to become God. The man who created all things became a little baby in Bethlehem. He grew as children grow and walked the earth as a man. He was a real man and yet wherever he went, it could be said `God is here`.<br/><br/>Palm Sunday is a day where Lord Jesus is glorified and exalted. He was called the `King of Israel`. <br/><br/>He performed miracles, raised Lazarus from the dead and made an everlasting impression upon the people of Bethany and Jerusalem. Common people heard Jesus’ preaching and marvelled at what he executed.<br/><br/>When news got out that Jesus is coming to Jerusalem, the crowd started gathering to welcome him. They saw the Lord riding upon a young donkey. Riding thus into the city was a pronouncement that he came in as the `Prince of Peace`.<br/><br/>As Jesus rode towards the city, the crowd took the palm branches and shouted `Hosanna` which meant ` we pray`. Palm leaves or branches have thus became a tradition since then on Palm Sunday. <br/><br/>However the same crowd who exalted the Lord cried `Crucify Him` after a few days. This day is remembered as `Good Friday`, the day Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. Many believers fast on this day to bear with Christ the pain he suffered and most of all, to thank him for his sacrifice.<br/><br/>Jesus died on the cross so it would be possible for all men to come to God. When Jesus died, he took our sins upon himself so that we may live. He was buried and rose again from death on the third day. <br/><br/>The resurrection of Christ is the central theme of Christianity. Christianity is more than a religion. It is a resurrection life with the Lord Jesus Christ. <br/><br/>The resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ proves the eternal power and authority of Christ. It assures us salvation and power to live victoriously and eternally with him. <br/><br/>He lives forever more!<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>