Increase my salary, please!

Updated: Aug 10, 2010, 17:24 PM IST

I don’t think this will go down well with my boss, but as a matter of fact, I am not satisfied with my salary and I want a five fold increase in it. I also want the right to increase my salary as and when I want to.
If you think I have gone mad, then think again. Because in that case, you will be surprised to know that you are being governed by mad people.
Still confused! Let me make it straight and clear. Our parliamentarians have decided to increase their own salary by five-fold. They have also decided to increase all their allowances. The reason they are citing for this is - PRICE RISE. Funny…isn’t it?
Now, will somebody please tell me, who is responsible for this price rise? We, the common people of India, or Government’s economic policies?
They won’t agree with this argument. But I guess after all, they would also be facing the same problem (price rise) as we, provided they decide not to buy anything and get everything as “gift”.
The existing salary and perks of an honourable Member of Indian Parliament add up to about Rs 65,000 a month. Apart from this, they get free travel on both Indian Railways first class and business class by air, constituency allowance, daily allowance for signing the Parliament roster, free electricity and phone, office and secretarial allowances, etc.
And if you think these allowances are no big deal then let me cite one small example. The distance between Delhi and Patna is approximately 1000 kms. So as per existing norms, if an MP travels from Delhi to Patna and back, then at the rate of Rs 8 per kilometre, he/she will get Rs 16000 just for travelling.
If that qualifies for being ‘under-paid’ in the age of price rise, then I guess my demand for a salary hike from my boss is fairly justified.
Nonetheless, now our respectable MPs not only want to increase their own salaries but are also demanding the increase in perks for their kids and even their servants. The MPs are entitled to 40 trips a year to New Delhi from their constituencies with their wives or personal assistants, but now they want to an extra 12 free trips by air (six two-way tickets to New Delhi and back) for dependent children. They also want allowances for the domestic help who travel with them.
Now, since you know the salaries of our MPs, it is time to know about the income of rest of India. The average income of an Indian is less than Rs 3000 a month. And this income includes everything.
Most of Indians can’t afford to travel in Rajdhani Express trains, forget air travel. They don’t have their own homes and are the ones who face the brunt of rising food and oil prices. But who cares!
With the prices of food items touching the sky, it has become a question of survival for the common people of India. And to make matters worse, our politicians are busy disrupting parliamentary proceedings over the same ‘price rise’.
And what is the cost of each day of a parliamentary session? Rs 7.65 crore per day!
Isn’t it an irony, that in the same parliamentary session marred by protests over price rise, our parliamentarians are proposing a bill to increase their own salaries? At a time when our economy is not in the best of conditions, they are hell bent on such self indulgence.
But, this is an era of price rise. So, if the parliamentarians with their extravagant salaries are feeling the pinch and going for a hike, I guess, I am more than eligible for a mid-term increment.
Are you listening, Boss?