Power of Vote

Updated: Apr 06, 2009, 08:27 AM IST

This general elections, most of us have something or the other in mind in terms of issues, parties and candidates which is going to determine the next leader of this over 100 crore strong population. Most of us, because even after 62 years of independence, it has never happened that all the electorates have exercised their power of vote.
It is a grim reality and we need to ask as to why we do not exercise the biggest power vested in us by the constitution of India.
There is no denying the fact that our country is facing a large number of problems ranging from corruption to terrorism to the economic crisis. We often blame the government for turning a blind eye to the real issues and engaging themselves in petty caste and religion politics. But do we have a right to blame the government if we do not vote?
By choosing not to vote, it is our fault that we bring into power an incompetent government and thus we are the ones who should be blamed for all the problems of the country.
We often make excuses about the lack of time to actually go to the polling booth and vote, but we have to decide whether that is really a constraint. If you have the time to celebrate Valentine ’s Day, if you have time to talk endlessly over phone to your girlfriend, and if you have time to watch 7 hours of a cricket match, then it is ridiculous to say that you don ’t have the time to vote, especially since it virtually decides the course of our nation for the next five years.
Even if you are among the enlightened few who actually vote in every election, then too it is time to introspect. It is time to contemplate the real issues that will decide our mandate. You need to clearly demarcate the priorities for our nation.
You have to decide what is more important to you, a disputed temple/mosque in some far flung district of Uttar Pradesh, which you may never visit or a sound economy, declining poverty and more teachers in classrooms.
You have to decide whether you want the person of your caste to get elected or you want a firm hand to tackle terror. And most importantly, you have to ask yourself whether you want development or communalism.
It is time for the common man of India to stand united and tell the politicians to discuss real issues; like global economic slowdown, terrorism, corruption and development rather than rouse the rabble over divisive issues like caste, creed, region and religion.
It is time to cleanse politics of all nonsensical elements.
So come out and vote. Vote for the right reason, for the right person and for the right purpose. It is our power and our duty, so let ’s not waste it. India is a democracy and we choose our leaders then why not choose the best ones.
For a better future, ask questions and demand answers. We have to decide where we want to see our country after five years and it is our responsibility that we vote judiciously.
Lets make this election a worthwhile event …