What have we done…?

Updated: Jul 20, 2009, 13:10 PM IST

We often take pride in being alive in the modern times…There’s awesome technology all around that has given us - cell phones, DVDs, MP3 players, coolers, refrigerators, watches, automobiles, tap water, bridges, dams, cakes, pani-puris, roads….the list is endless. Every thing around us, that has been made by us or used by us, is the bounty of the Almighty, a gift for all of us to cherish. Rubbish. We are simply a species that has blasted every resource of the planet for our insatiable thirst for worthless self-gratification.
We, you and I, especially the urban ones who have access to read this Blog on the Internet, are the primary reason for the death of countless innocent farmers worldwide owing to the climatic change.
The forests are depleting, lands getting barren, mountains being robbed off their flora and fauna, animals getting extinct, fuel getting dearer (Ouch! that petrol and beer bill).
<a href= "http://www.zeenews.com/news547276.html"target="_blank" style="color:red " ><b>News: How we are affecting natural disasters»</b></a>
I’m sure that some learned reader will come out and say that climatic changes are inevitable (look at how dinosaurs ended), so what the heck, we’re just hurrying it up a bit, hoping that the crisis will solve all by itself (or by God or science, or both with solve it). We are just normal people dude.
<a href= "http://www.zeenews.com/news546406.html"target="_blank" style="color:red " ><b>News: Rich people to blame for carbon emissions: Study»</b></a>
There are others who’d give a cynical ‘Let it all Burn’ mumbo-jumbo to the situation while still others would take personal jibes at me for sounding like those pseudo-environmentalists who have nothing to do or many other similar jibes (let me assure you, I’m one of the worst people as far as not doing anything for the planet is concerned, you are better, and hence the effort for the write-up).
<a href= "http://www.zeenews.com/news547268.html"target="_blank" style="color:red " ><b>News: Massive sea erosion»</b></a>
It is strange to see that monsoons are different from the usual notions of the rainy season that we had, the summers and winters are not what they used to be, and even despite our survive-earn-and-spend lives, we can notice it. So why is it happening, what will be its outcome, will it take long enough for me to end my life on a good note…. Questions are many but the result is simply one, we are going to be wiped out like the scum of the Earth, amigos.
Just a few evenings back, there I was with some friends and many of them had the view that they wanted to help but what difference would it make if just one person tried. Now I’m not one of those statistician-types who’d blurt out facts and figures about what people could do, how they could reduce their Carbon Print etc etc. Neither am I one of those motivational preacher-types who’d say that an ocean is made of drops and together we will make a difference.
<a href= "http://www.zeenews.com/news545306.html"target="_blank" style="color:red " ><b>News: NASA satellite shows `dramatically thinned` Arctic ice»</b></a>
So, my argument in the favour of changing our habits, living a bit more uncomfortably, following a more sensible approach towards life and the planet is rather stupid… It is because of ‘Conscience’.
If not for the world, we can make an effort for our own conscience (what is that anyway! I’m clicking on the ‘hot pics’ link now).
Jokes apart, I mean, can’t we just as selflessly mend the earth in our own small way as we have selflessly done the bit and bit to destroy it?
I’m sure it wouldn’t be a Herculean task to turn off the lights, use less of electronic stuff, walk as much as possible, thereby using less vehicles, using public transport more often, conserving water, re-use if not recycle… If we set our minds and hearts to it, just a few conscious decisions in everyday routine will at least make an impact on our own inner selves. And please, don’t shamelessly poke jibes and ridicule about those who are trying this little bit (shutting the hell up can be a big help too).
We say (and whole-heartedly believe) that we are truly the most evolved of the life forms, maybe in the entire universe. Its about time we stop using sophisticated science to suck the life off the face of the Earth like leeches on a horse.
Now I know that many of the witty ones here would demand ‘love’ from their partners or make new ones saying that Armageddon is coming; who wants to die looking at chameleons on a barren land anyways?
We all know deep down inside about a lot of little things that we can do for this planet, stupid enough to sustain life for us. Like Elvis said, “A Little Less Conversation, A little More Action.”
With the above said things, I hope to move the workings of maybe even one individual (you can post a vote below or comment) and make the world a better place (miss you MJ). Now that my conscience is momentarily clear, let me get back to my job that will help me buy that monster of a SUV someday. :)
Adios amigos!