Watch: Lenovo Tech World event

LIVE FROM SAN FRANCISCO: Lenovo Tech World is back, and it’s bigger, better and bolder than ever. Watch us launch the world’s first Project Tango-enabled smartphone, which promises to make AR and VR as pervasive as your GPS. Be the first to find out how Moto will transform the smartphone in a snap. View our latest concept products – the innovative features we introduce today will inspire the technology of tomorrow. Tune into the Tech World livestream on June 9 at 1pm EST for ground breaking announcements, special guests, major product launches and insight into industry transformations. Follow along and join the conversation on our social channels: Snapchat: Lenovo Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Did you know Lenovo creates innovative consumer, commercial and enterprise technologies for businesses in 160 countries? Our team has more than 50,000 talented employees. Visit us to find out more at

Jun 10, 2016, 09:05 AM IST