What does a 'bad girl' do? Pouts, falls in love, watches porn

If we ever had to define how bad girls behave in the society, now we have a sure shot pictorial description of it. In what seems to be satire, a chart of 'A BAD GIRL' has gone viral on social media.

What does a 'bad girl' do? Pouts, falls in love, watches porn
Picture Credit - Twitter

New Delhi: If we ever had to define how bad girls behave in the society, now we have a sure shot pictorial description of it. In what seems to be satire, a chart of 'A BAD GIRL' has gone viral on social media.

A pictorial representation of various things that a 'Bad Girl' can't do, includes the usual smoking, drinking and watching pornography. But what can only be an amusing inclusions are 'having breasts', 'pouting' and 'going to Goa'.

The chart which is made in the style of cut and paste lists that many Indian kids from the 90s are familiar with, has taken Twitter and Facebook by storm.

'A Bad Girl' chart seems to be inspired right from the many controversial sexist statements by various politicians and self proclaimed moral police that have grabbed the headlines recently.

Although it has the same style as that of a school cut and paste chart, the sarcasm in the picture is very apparent. We only hope that our guess about it is true.

Have a look at what the chart looks like:


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