Kim Kardashian poses nude for magazine

 Reality TV star Kim Kardashian has posed naked for the latest issue of British GQ magazine.

Los Angeles: Reality TV star Kim Kardashian has posed naked for the latest issue of British GQ magazine.

Kim, who was recently honoured with the Woman of the Year award at the magazine`s awards event, is the cover model for the latest edition.

Shortly after the digital issue was available online, Kim`s racy photos hit the internet like wildfire, reports

The series of seductive snapshots show her wearing nothing but her birthday suit and baby pink stiletto pumps as she lies on a bed. Kim strategically covers all of her private parts with the help of her arms and the gray satin sheets.

This isn`t the first time she has bared all for the camera. One of her most recent nude spreads was with her husband Kanye West, when the duo posed naked for French magazine L`Officiel Hommes.

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