Matthew McConaughey, wife welcome baby girl

Washington: Actor Matthew McConaughey and his wife Camila welcomed a baby girl into their lives on January 3.

The Wedding Planner star, who became dad to little Vida less than a year after the birth of their first son Levi, made the revelation on his website.

He announced: "Happy New Year everybody!!! On Sunday, Jan. 3rd at 12:13am, Camila gave birth to a healthy 7lb. 7oz. baby girl named "Vida Alves McConaughey".... Vida is Portuguese for ‘life’ and that’s what God gave us this morning... Camila`s recovering wonderfully and we are both truly honoured to welcome this little lady into our family... thanks for all your well wishes and prayers along the way. another blessed day. we give thanks. just keep livin, Matthew and Camila", reports Us magazine.

The 40-year-old previously blogged about Levi, saying: "He’s motoring around like [Olympic sprinter] Usain Bolt and eatin like [competitive eater Takeru] Kobayashi; Camila and I can barely keep up," he wrote. "We call him the fruit bandit ``cause if there``s fruit out, he``s on it, takin it and eatin it."


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