Thandie Newton named sexiest vegan celeb

 Actress Thandie Newton has been declared the sexiest vegan celebrity by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

 Los Angeles: Actress Thandie Newton has been declared the sexiest vegan celebrity by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

PETA gave Newton and boxer David Haye a joint award for their continuous efforts in promoting compassion for animals and for encouraging people to eat more plant based foods, reports

Newton and Haye will get a box of vegan chocolates and a framed certificate to mark the occasion. 

The 42-year-old actress has come forward in the past to tell people how much she dislikes the suffering of animals and the effects that doing so has on the environment. 

Haye became a vegan in early 2014, after he watched how animals are prepared for people to consume. 

Others who have joined in the fight against animal suffering include singer Leona Lewis and comedian Russell Brand.

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