Beatles: The hidden gallery

Jun 16, 2010, 14:06 PM IST

Paul plays the piano as Ringo, John and George join the spirit of the moment.

Paul plays the piano as Ringo, John and George join the spirit of the moment.


Paul and George play guitar and sing into a shared microphone; almost perfectly mirroring each other’s body language.

Paul and George play guitar and sing into a shared microphone; almost perfectly mirroring each other’s body language.


Ringo, George, John and Paul take some time out, sitting in the theatre seats with their feet up on the seat.

Ringo, George, John and Paul take some time out, sitting in the theatre seats with their feet up on the seat.


Paul looks skywards, while other members of the band appear to be reaching into an ice bucket.

Paul looks skywards, while other members of the band appear to be reaching into an ice bucket.


Pop Stars - George takes a piece of popcorn from the packet offered to him by Ringo.

Pop Stars - George takes a piece of popcorn from the packet offered to him by Ringo.


The Charmer... The Charmer - The second in the 3-shot series of Paul; a thoughtful composition.

The Charmer... The Charmer - The second in the 3-shot series of Paul; a thoughtful composition.


Twist and Shout - Animated stage shot of Paul, giving his all while playing his guitar and performing ‘Twist and Shout’

Twist and Shout - Animated stage shot of Paul, giving his all while playing his guitar and performing ‘Twist and Shout’


Paul sits playing the piano as Ringo, George and John lean on the top.

Paul sits playing the piano as Ringo, George and John lean on the top.


George & John flank a Ringo, sat behind his drum kit; the bass drum is adorned with their recently revealed ‘drop T’ logo.

George & John flank a Ringo, sat behind his drum kit; the bass drum is adorned with their recently revealed ‘drop T’ logo.


John heads the group while they form a line, sat on chairs, playing at trains for the camera.

John heads the group while they form a line, sat on chairs, playing at trains for the camera.