Unusual Museums around the world

Nov 05, 2013, 12:48 PM IST

Comic Strip Center: Captain Haddock at the Belgian Comic Strip Center, Brussels. Image Credit: Pieter Heremans.

Comic Strip Center: Captain Haddock at the Belgian Comic Strip Center, Brussels. Image Credit: Pieter Heremans.


Carpigiani Gelato Museum - early 20th century machines Image Courtesy- Gelato Museum Carpigiani.

Carpigiani Gelato Museum - early 20th century machines Image Courtesy- Gelato Museum Carpigiani.


Katten Kabinet: Inside the Katten Kabinet Museum. Image Credit:  Katten Kabinet

Katten Kabinet: Inside the Katten Kabinet Museum. Image Credit: Katten Kabinet


Pattaya Museum of Bottle Art: Exhibits of miniature models of famous World and Thailand landmarks at the Pattaya Museum of Bottle Art, Thailand. Image Credit: www.pattayaunlimited.com

Pattaya Museum of Bottle Art: Exhibits of miniature models of famous World and Thailand landmarks at the Pattaya Museum of Bottle Art, Thailand. Image Credit: www.pattayaunlimited.com


Cementiris de Barcelona: Museum of Funeral Carriages in Barcelona includes exhibits from as far back as the 18th Century. Image Credit: Cementiris de Barcelona, S.A.

Cementiris de Barcelona: Museum of Funeral Carriages in Barcelona includes exhibits from as far back as the 18th Century. Image Credit: Cementiris de Barcelona, S.A.


Museum of Funeral Carriages. Angèlica-Cementiris de Barcelona, S.A.

Museum of Funeral Carriages. Angèlica-Cementiris de Barcelona, S.A.


Currywurst Museum- Sausage Sofa. Image Credit Deutsches Currywurst Museum Berlin.

Currywurst Museum- Sausage Sofa. Image Credit Deutsches Currywurst Museum Berlin.


National Mustard Museum: Inside the Mustard Museum. Image Credit: National Mustard Museum

National Mustard Museum: Inside the Mustard Museum. Image Credit: National Mustard Museum


Museum of Bad Art: Mana Lisa, a cross-gendered interpretation of the Leonardo daVinci classic at the Museum of Bad Art. Image Credit: Museum Of Bad Art: Masterworks by Michael Frank and Louise Reilly Sacco

Museum of Bad Art: Mana Lisa, a cross-gendered interpretation of the Leonardo daVinci classic at the Museum of Bad Art. Image Credit: Museum Of Bad Art: Masterworks by Michael Frank and Louise Reilly Sacco


The Dog Collar Musem: The Dog Collar Musem. Image Credit:  The Leeds Castle Foundation

The Dog Collar Musem: The Dog Collar Musem. Image Credit: The Leeds Castle Foundation


The Dog Collar Musem: The Dog Collar Musem. Image Credit:  The Leeds Castle Foundation

The Dog Collar Musem: The Dog Collar Musem. Image Credit: The Leeds Castle Foundation