Christina Aguilera flaunts baby bump in nude photo shoot

Los Angeles: Pregnant pop star Christina Aguilera has stripped down for a new photoshoot. The 33-year-old singer showed off her curves and baby bump in a series of photos for a magazine, reportedly.

In a stunning black and white picture, Aguilera bares her body and growing belly. The singer called photographer Brian Bowen Smith on purpose to capture the blissful moments before she gives birth.

"As a woman, I`m proud to embrace my body through all stages of life, staying fearless and confident in surrendering to the unknowns the future has in store,` she said.

Another photo showed Aguilera standing in a sheer white dress while holding her hair up in a sultry pose with her eyes closed.

In another photo, the singer is seen with her fiance Matt Rutler. Aguilera is expecting her second child, her first with Matt.
The mentor of `The Voice` is already a mother to six-year-old son Max with her former husband Jordan Bratman.

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