Monsoon and Men

Updated: Jul 05, 2013, 17:24 PM IST

Bharti Taneja

Beauty has conventionally been the exclusive forte of women. Men have had little to do with it in history. The modern male, however, is a different story. Their interest in beauty has consistently risen over the past few decades. Hygiene, personal grooming and presentability have become priorities. Being style-savvy, keeping up with fashion and taking care of their skin and hair has increasingly become integral to their lives. Skin problems are a frequent thing for people of all ages during monsoon and many men may not know how to deal with them. So, we asked celebrity cosmetologist, aesthetician and Founder-Director of Alps Beauty Clinic and Academy, Bharti Taneja, what steps should men take to avoid skin and hair trouble this season.

Skin Care

Monsoon rains are relief for everyone. After a spell of hot and sunny, cool and cloudy is a welcome change. But, the seasonal humidity can be quite stifling for our skin.Sweating, combined with dust and dirt,causes annoying skin problems like acne, blackheads and whiteheads for many.You can avoid these by taking some basic precautions and following some simple steps for skin care. Clean your face at least 4-5 times a day with an astringent or skin toner. This will freshen up the skin and get rid of any extra oil. Scrub your face at least twice in a week. This will open up your pores and cleanse the skin of impurities. This is the best way to avoid and clear up blackheads & whiteheads. Put on a face pack that suits your skin to close the pores. In extreme cases, go to any reputed cosmetic clinic and getthe laser and young treatment done. It resolves 80-90% of pores problems and is given over a number of sittings. Start your day with a refreshing bath – put lemon peels in a tub the night before and bathe with the water next morning.

Hair Care

Hair can get sticky, frizzy and unmanageable if exposed to sweat. Wash your head every alternate day with a shampoo suitable to your hair to keep them soft and nourished. Follow this up with a conditioner according to your hair type. Creamy conditioners are best for dry hair. You can also mix vinegar in water and rinse your head with it. Dandruff is a very common problem in monsoon. Don’t take it lightly if you’ve got dandruff as too much dandruff leads to hairfall. Give your hair and scalp a good wash every 2-3 days with an anti-dandruff shampoo that suits you. If this doesn’t solve the problem then go for the bioptron treatment at any reputed cosmetic clinic. It will reduce dandruff and decrease your hair loss.

Foot Care

As the drizzles and downpours of the monsoon season replenish the earth and rejuvenate the greenery around us, they also increase the chances of infections. Our feet have to bear the brunt of this problem, being cloistered in footwear all day. Stinky feet are a real relationship killer, not to mention being really embarrassing. Be regular at cleaning your feet.Always dry them thoroughly before wearing socks. Pay special attention to the spaces between your toes. Put talcum powder in them to reduce any bad odour. You can also put some talcum powder in your socks. Wherever feasible, wear open-toed footwear. This will keep your feet dry andlet them breathe. Get a pedicure from any good cosmetic clinic every 15 days or so to keep your feet clean and hygienic.


Picking the right clothes to wear for any situation is a very important decision. So when you are reorganizing your wardrobe for monsoon, keep comfort and utility at the top of your priority list. Swap tight jeans for cotton trousers and 3/4ths; formal shirts can be replaced with casual cotton shirts, t-shirts and tank tops. If you’re really partial to denim, then go for stretch denim and bull denim jeans.These are comfortable to wear in monsoon and allow your skin some air if they get drenched.

(The author is the Director of ALPS Clinic and Academy)