Dieting woes? These five foods will make your meals less gloomy! - Watch slideshow

Dieting woes? These five foods will make your meals less gloomy! - Watch slideshow

Jul 17, 2016, 14:01 PM IST

Dieting woes? These five foods will make your meals less gloomy! - Watch slideshow


Let's just face it – dieting is one horribly miserable phase for everyone going through a weight loss trip.

Not only do you have to sacrifice eating your favourite foods, but you also have to put up with impromptu cravings, relentless temptations and eating food that tastes like rubber.

But, why go through all that misery when you have the option of some food items that will aid you in your weight loss journey and can also help bring about innovative ideas on how you can cook and/or eat them, so that you can have different, delicious meals each time!

Check out five such foods that you can eat without feeling guilty!




Low in calories and high in water and fiber content, the green coloured florets have the power to make any sad-looking dish become the highlight of your meal time. Need more reasons to put it on your plate? Well, it also increases your ability to burn fat, as well as reduces the production of thyroid hormones in people suffering from thyroid issues.


Legumes and pulses

Legumes and pulses

An iron boost is necessary when you're trying to lose weight and beans and lentils provide you with the requisite amount. Full of fiber and proteins, they also lower insulin levels after digestion which makes your body store less fat.




It's low in fat, high in protein and gives you a feeling of satisfaction (read: full stomach) when you're done with a chicken meal. What more could one ask for? Furthermore, the lean meat is rich in iron to keep your energy-levels up and helps fuel your muscles during and after workouts.




You're obviously trying to avoid foods that are high in sugar content, since that will just pile on unwanted calories. In that case, go for natural sugars and what better way to that than eating fruits? Yes, fruits, especially berries like raspberries and strawberries contain anthocyanins, which have the ability to stop fat cells from growing, while polyphenols block the digestive enzyme activity of certain starches and fats so you wont absorb as much.




Spices have natural fat-burning properties that can actually help you keep those kilos off your body. Spices like cayenne, ginger, mustard seeds, cumin seeds, and cinnamon work wonders when it comes to breaking down food in the body.

-- By Udita Madan