Six worst foods for your skin!

Our skin, which is the most sensitive part of our body, gets affected the most if we eat something which doesn't suit us.

Jun 03, 2016, 11:26 AM IST

Who doesn't want to have a healthy and glowing skin? Well, we all want to have a healthy skin, but for that one needs to eat the right food. Our skin, which is the most sensitive part of our body, gets affected the most if we eat something which doesn't suit us. One should be very cautions of what food to eat that will be beneficial for their skin. A good diet and proper eating habits is very important for a healthy skin. Whereas a poor diet can lead to acne and dry skin.

Here are some food items that can do more harm than good:

Who doesn't want to have a healthy and glowing skin? Well, we all want to have a healthy skin, but for that one needs to eat the right food. Our skin, which is the most sensitive part of our body, gets affected the most if we eat something which doesn't suit us. One should be very cautions of what food to eat that will be beneficial for their skin. A good diet and proper eating habits is very important for a healthy skin. Whereas a poor diet can lead to acne and dry skin. Here are some food items that can do more harm than good:


Do not eat too much of candies if you want to have healthy skin as it is coated with sugar and excessive eating of sugar makes our skin dull and wrinkled.  

Do not eat too much of candies if you want to have healthy skin as it is coated with sugar and excessive eating of sugar makes our skin dull and wrinkled.  


If you want healthy skin, stop eating excessive amount of salt and salted food items as it is harmful and retains the additional fluid in the body causing swelling and a puffy look. It also spoils the skin texture.

If you want healthy skin, stop eating excessive amount of salt and salted food items as it is harmful and retains the additional fluid in the body causing swelling and a puffy look. It also spoils the skin texture.


Reduce the consumption of drinks like coffee, tea, cola's, etc if you want healthy skin as it conatins caffeine. Caffeine increases the cortisol production in the body and thus enhances the ageing process by thinning the skin. It also dehydrates the skin and can even leads to wrinkling.

Reduce the consumption of drinks like coffee, tea, cola's, etc if you want healthy skin as it conatins caffeine. Caffeine increases the cortisol production in the body and thus enhances the ageing process by thinning the skin. It also dehydrates the skin and can even leads to wrinkling.


One should avoid eating processed foods as it contains high content of salt and sodium which is not good for our skin. Processed food also has a low water content.

One should avoid eating processed foods as it contains high content of salt and sodium which is not good for our skin. Processed food also has a low water content.


We all know that milk is good for health, but it might not be beneficial for our skin. Consuming too much milk can cause acne as it contains growth hormones and inflammatory substances that clog the pores.

We all know that milk is good for health, but it might not be beneficial for our skin. Consuming too much milk can cause acne as it contains growth hormones and inflammatory substances that clog the pores.


Avoid eating too much of shrimp, crab, lobster as they contain rich amount of iodine in it, and a diet with too much of this element can lead to acne.

By Irengbam Jenny

Avoid eating too much of shrimp, crab, lobster as they contain rich amount of iodine in it, and a diet with too much of this element can lead to acne. By Irengbam Jenny