Spice up your love life with these libido-boosting foods!

Spice up your love life with these libido-boosting foods!

Jul 05, 2016, 14:05 PM IST

Spice up your love life with these libido-boosting foods!


Raw foods seem to have taken a top priority for both men and women who're looking for a healthy boost in the bedroom. We have heard that the juicy watermelon is as potent as viagra, and so are avocados, which are considered to be a great libido-booster for both men and women.

Stimulate your buds with these passion-inducing foods that will spice up your sex life:


Black raspberries

Black raspberries

Both the berries and the seeds can help both men and women stay in the mood for an extended period of time. This phytochemical-rich food enhances both libido and sexual endurance, as per the authors of 7 Keys to Lifelong Sexual Vitality told Fitness Magazine.  




As mentioned above, watermelon contains nutrients like citrulline that can almost act like viagra. Include a fresh slice of lycopene-rich watermelon in your dinner recipe to increase your or your partner's libido.




Niacin or vitamin B3 in avocado can enhance blood to the private parts.




Raw or cooked, this vegetable, which is high in vitamin C, aids in blood circulation to organs. It has been associated with an improved female libido.  


Chili peppers

Chili peppers

These hot chili peppers can really spice things up - thanks to capsaicin, a compund that makes the peppers well and hot. Capsaicin induces the release of endorphins that give you a natural high, which pumps that libido. Capsaicin is also believed to support weight loss as it boosts thermogenesis, or the rate at which your body burns fat.

By: Salome Phelamei