Top five mental health concerns in men!

Top five mental health concerns in men!

Jun 17, 2016, 12:16 PM IST

Top five mental health concerns in men!


Top five mental health concerns in men!

Men are physically stronger and bigger than women in general. They are also considered emotionally stronger than their 'fairer sex'. Having said that, they're not free from challenges and complications.

Like women, men too have slew of problems in their lives - both physically and mentally.

Although women are more likely to be diagnosed with common mental disorders, there are important indicators of widespread mental distress in men as well. Dr Ajay Phadke, CEO & founder of Type a Thought, revealed the top five mental health concerns in men and how they can deal with them. 


Relationship problems

Relationship problems

Most men are not expressive of their feelings towards their loved ones which often hamper the partner’s expectations. Lack of communication, insecurity, trust issues, undesirable expectations, commitment phobia, etc. further widens the gap. 


Work and expectation stress

Work and expectation stress

It’s the workplace where men find their biggest stressors. Men feel they have to beat everyone when it comes to work performance which often leads to a huge source of pressure. The anxiety adds up if men are the ‘breadwinner’ for the family. Instances such as being misjudged by superiors and colleagues, not getting credit and reward for their efforts, dissatisfaction from work, unachievable expectations by managers, appraisal worries, etc. cause mental stress in men. 




Gay, bisexual men and trans folk may also be at a very high risk for depression as their sexuality is not well accepted by the society and the Indian law. Gay and bisexual men are at higher risk for mental health issues than their straight counterparts. Age, ethnicity, income and education have a large impact on mental health. 


Financial debts

Financial debts

As per societal beliefs, men are expected to arrange for required finances to support the family. It is not easy to manage funds in this inflation-ridden era. Monetary pitfalls are a huge, underappreciated cause of men’s mental health problems. Loans, share market losses, and debts are a cause of major dejection and suicide. Powerlessness of returning debts and loans force men to resort to committing robbery, murder and other crimes. 


Job insecurity

Job insecurity

Being the sole provider of finances at home gives most men their identity and so losing a job or taking a position with lower pay may stress them out. Many men report anxiety issues due to sudden layoffs at start-ups and job insecurity.


How can men deal with mental health issues

How can men deal with mental health issues

Understand yourself - Once you are clear about your own emotions, you start relating to other people better.

Be vocal - Rather than dodging and brushing off discussing delicate topics, indulge in meaningful conversations that can lead to richer relationships. Be open about discussing what you feel with your friends, family and partner.

Stamp out the stigma - Stamp out the stigma attached to mental health and seek counselling. Men could talk to their friends and family or seek help for professional counsellors. For some, anonymous counselling helps to release their tension.

Leave work at office -Learn to keep professional and personal lives distinct. Don’t take office tasks at home, unless urgent. By practising this, most of the worries will be sorted.

Don’t jump to conclusions - Everyone experiences bad days. Avoid jumping to meaningless conclusions, losing self-confidence and taking unnecessary measures when encounter a failure or loss. Have faith in yourself and work patiently to see what lies in store for you.