International Day for Biological Diversity: Five threats that face global biodiversity today!

International Day for Biological Diversity: Five threats that face global biodiversity today!

May 22, 2016, 22:26 PM IST

Biodiversity is a linchpin for the sustenance of humankind. In a nutshell, for humankind to survive, it is essential for global biodiversity to thrive.

Since, humans are heavily dependent on biodiversity for survival, it is important to sound an alert and make people aware of the threats that surround it.

May 22nd every year, marks the International Day for Biological Diversity. Adopted by the United Nations as a day to raise awareness regarding global biodiversity and its importance, this year's theme for the day is, 'Mainstreaming Biodiversity; Sustaining People and their Livelihoods'.

Through this, the United Nations emphasizes strongly on the need for halting biodiversity loss as a means to invest in people and maintain well-being throughout the world.

Doing our bit to contribute to the biodiversity awareness campaign, we have compiled a list of the top five major threats that biodiversity around the globe faces today.

Biodiversity is a linchpin for the sustenance of humankind. In a nutshell, for humankind to survive, it is essential for global biodiversity to thrive. Since, humans are heavily dependent on biodiversity for survival, it is important to sound an alert and make people aware of the threats that surround it. May 22nd every year, marks the International Day for Biological Diversity. Adopted by the United Nations as a day to raise awareness regarding global biodiversity and its importance, this year's theme for the day is, 'Mainstreaming Biodiversity; Sustaining People and their Livelihoods'. Through this, the United Nations emphasizes strongly on the need for halting biodiversity loss as a means to invest in people and maintain well-being throughout the world. Doing our bit to contribute to the biodiversity awareness campaign, we have compiled a list of the top five major threats that biodiversity around the globe faces today.


The world has been introduced to this term time and again. The haunting effects of global warming are being experienced firsthand by people across the globe. The melting of ice sheets and glaciers, the rising temperatures are testimony to the fact that the phenomena is very much real and shouldn't be taken for granted. The effects have evidently altered life on Earth throughout the course of climate change history, wherein, species have become vulnerable or have become extinct. Climate, in short, is a major factor in the distribution of species across the globe; climate change forces them to adjust. However, they simply die out since they are unable to cope.

The world has been introduced to this term time and again. The haunting effects of global warming are being experienced firsthand by people across the globe. The melting of ice sheets and glaciers, the rising temperatures are testimony to the fact that the phenomena is very much real and shouldn't be taken for granted. The effects have evidently altered life on Earth throughout the course of climate change history, wherein, species have become vulnerable or have become extinct. Climate, in short, is a major factor in the distribution of species across the globe; climate change forces them to adjust. However, they simply die out since they are unable to cope.


Deforestation directly hampers biodiversity and is one of the main causes of its loss. An estimated 18 million acres of forest are lost each year, due to human practices like logging, etc., which destroys the ecosystems upon which species depend.

Deforestation directly hampers biodiversity and is one of the main causes of its loss. An estimated 18 million acres of forest are lost each year, due to human practices like logging, etc., which destroys the ecosystems upon which species depend.


This is a major cause of extinction and is, somehow, often overlooked. Introducing non-native species (done primarily by human activities) into an ecosystem can threaten endemic wildlife, as well as upset economies drastically.

This is a major cause of extinction and is, somehow, often overlooked. Introducing non-native species (done primarily by human activities) into an ecosystem can threaten endemic wildlife, as well as upset economies drastically.


Pollutive agents are mainly man-made. Whether it is burning fossil fuels, releasing plastic, which is rich in chemicals, into the sea, or dumping other industrial waste into water bodies, contaminating the environment is directly equivalent to harming the biodiversity.

Pollutive agents are mainly man-made. Whether it is burning fossil fuels, releasing plastic, which is rich in chemicals, into the sea, or dumping other industrial waste into water bodies, contaminating the environment is directly equivalent to harming the biodiversity.


Over-hunting and over-fishing gives a massive push to loss of biodiversity. Poaching and other forms of hunting for wildlife trade increase the risk of extinction. The extinction of a predator at the top of a food chain, especially, can result in catastrophic consequences for ecosystems.

By Udita Madan

Over-hunting and over-fishing gives a massive push to loss of biodiversity. Poaching and other forms of hunting for wildlife trade increase the risk of extinction. The extinction of a predator at the top of a food chain, especially, can result in catastrophic consequences for ecosystems. By Udita Madan

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