Adulterated or not, here's why you should include honey in your daily diet: In Pics

Dec 04, 2020, 10:38 AM IST

Honey has been used as a remedy for various ailments throughout history and has a variety of health benefits and medical uses. It is among the most popular and widely used sweeteners with enormous health benefits. The adulteration of honey reduces the potency of its nutritious abilities but can still be beneficial in a daily diet. (Pic courtesy: IANS, Pixabay)


Soothing for a sore throat


A spoonfull of honey added to a cup of hot tea or even hot water is known to be a good cough-supressant as it sooths the throat.


Helps with digestive issues


Honey is a potent prebiotic, which means it nourishes the good bacteria that live in the intestines. The good bacteria are crucial not only for digestion but overall health.


A source of antioxidants

Antioxidants help to protect your body from cell damage due to free radicals. Raw honey contains many plant chemicals that act as antioxidants.


Acts as a natural energy booster


Honey is known as a natural sweetner and can help you fight fatigue from exercise and gives an immediate energy boost.

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