Horoscope Today, August 4 By Astrologer Sundeep Kochar: Virgo, Seeking A Favour From Someone Is The Best Approach

Daily horoscope predictions: Check out the astrology forecast for all 12 zodiac signs by ace astrologer Dr Sundeep Kochar. As you begin a new journey, find out what the stars have in store for you today. There are twelve zodiac signs and each has its distinct features. Be it, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces — each of the signs has something unique to tell. The astrological predictions are by Dr Sundeep Kochar.  

Sundeep Kochar | Aug 04, 2024, 05:25 AM IST


Building goodwill with former work adversaries will benefit you. Financially, you will be in a stable and comfortable position. You might be planning something significant for your home. Consider taking a short vacation for a change of scenery. Buying a house or flat is likely to become a reality soon.




Someone may guide you on the right academic path. It's a favorable day for those looking to book a flat or apartment. A colleague’s argumentative nature at work might upset you. Domestic issues not going your way might cause tension. However, wise investments will increase your earnings.




You might find yourself unfairly targeted by a senior's anger at work. A golden business opportunity could be missed. Those with fewer qualifications can compensate with their communication skills. Someone may pull at your heartstrings. Choosing healthy alternatives is crucial now.




A celebration may be organized soon. Buying property or starting construction is likely for some. You will prove your worth professionally and be seen as a leader. Wise investments will keep your finances strong. Your family will support your ideas and encourage you. A short vacation promises excitement and fun.




Increasing your wealth is indicated as money comes from various sources. A new diet will show positive results in your fitness journey. Ignoring someone's guidance might hinder your progress. There may be a disagreement with a family member over an important matter. Travel plans could be made. Contributing to a cause will enhance your social standing.




Seeking a favour from someone is the best approach. Changes you make at work may not be well-received by subordinates. This is the day to achieve your career dreams. A business deal might not go as expected. An estranged family member might cause mental tension.




Stay in the right frame of mind to handle a sensitive issue. Avoid heavy expenditures as it might be hard to recover. You may undertake an important project at work. An anticipated journey will keep you excited. Quality time with your lover is on the cards.




Real estate agents can expect good returns. Jewelers or those dealing in precious stones will find the day profitable. You’ll handle difficult tasks at work with ease. Homemakers will find the day productive, making desired changes at home. A family outing may be planned, strengthening ties. Someone might work to bring you into the limelight at work or socially.




You’ll be praised for your excellent work performance. Good earnings will keep you in high spirits. Family will appreciate an initiative you take. Your health-conscious attitude keeps you fit. Visiting an out-of-town friend or relative promises fun. Investing in property will yield good returns. A party will lift your spirits and provide entertainment.




Strong willpower in sticking to your exercise regime will get you in shape. A business meeting will open lucrative opportunities. You’ll feel secure in your work comfort zone. Plan something interesting to do with the family today. Exciting times are ahead for those on vacation. Excellent property prospects are foreseen. You’ll be satisfied with your academic performance.




Stability in personal and professional life is crucial now. A short trip may be on the horizon. Construction might start for an addition to your house. Control your mood swings to maintain a positive work atmosphere. Your family will be responsive to your needs. It's a good time to start physical activities.




Your bank balance remains healthy due to wise spending. Some may get serious about fitness. You enjoy your current job. A family member's spirited performance will make you proud. Your love for travel might lead to a leisure trip. You’ll maintain a strong presence academically.


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