Horoscope Today, November 17 By Astro Sundeep Kochar: Let Go Of Harsh Judgments And Soften Your Approach, Pisces

Daily horoscope predictions: Check out the astrology forecast for all 12 zodiac signs by ace astrologer Dr Sundeep Kochar. As you begin a new journey, find out what the stars have in store for you today. There are twelve zodiac signs and each has its distinct features. Be it, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces — each of the signs has something unique to tell. 

Sundeep Kochar | Nov 17, 2023, 05:25 AM IST



A significant day awaits you, Aries! You might have felt the need for a change lately, driven by a sense of injustice or unfairness in your experiences. Today is an opportunity to step into a leadership role and follow your intuition with your warrior-like spirit. Stand up for your beliefs, as good news is on the horizon. Be selective in the battles you choose, and blend wisdom with knowledge to enhance your effectiveness.  




Taurus, it's time to put an end to both literal and metaphorical nagging. Stop overcomplicating life and losing sleep over it. You're not a tree rooted in place; you can move. Today, there may be an exciting opportunity or idea to improve your financial situation. Assume the role of a decision-maker and make a plan like a ruler. Your days of juggling are behind you, so leave behind anything that doesn't fit into your vision of luxury.




You may be surrounded by luxury yet feel poor, Gemini. It's time to reflect on where you're focusing your attention and what's happening in your life. Blessings are coming your way rapidly, and it's time to stop waiting. Are you going to see the glass as half full or half empty? Leverage your intuition and wisdom to embrace your emotionally fulfilling journey and focus on the road ahead, overlooking any obstacles.  




Feeling burnt out, Cancer? Leap into the unknown and attract miraculous solutions. Embrace your childlike wonder and view the world through rose-tinted glasses while manifesting positive outcomes. Even though a recent development may have left you breathless, remember that it's the result of your unwavering belief in your dreams. Take a moment to find your footing before embarking on your next big move. You don't need to be a martyr to achieve your goals; what's meant for you will come to you.




Your life is like a perfect symphony right now, Leo. You've built something substantial with love and effort, whether it's a home, a career, or something else. Now, it's time to break free from the mental constraints you've imposed on yourself. You're on the verge of receiving a wish, so instead of worrying about worst-case scenarios, imagine how you'd feel if it all worked out. If the answer is positive, go for it, knowing that you have the power to shape the outcome.




You may have tried every option, Virgo, but you're now facing a mystery box that requires a decision. It might feel like a double-edged sword, with various possible outcomes. Instead of choosing battles wisely, consider putting the weight down, tapping into your happiness, and simply choosing the path that brings you the most joy. Your happiness lies in choosing happiness, nothing else.  




Libra, it's time to embrace some good news and heal past wounds. Gather your courage and let this sense of reward wash over you entirely. Small and significant blessings are entering your life, and financial opportunities or rewards for your past investments are within reach. Remember that divine forces have been supporting you throughout your journey, even when you felt alone. If you've neglected your health, now's the time to invest in it.




You have the green light, Scorpio. You've invested your hard work and determination into something, and now you're reaping the sweet fruits. There might have been a conflict at the center of it all, and after trying to resolve it, you chose to walk away. The results are ready, and there's no more waiting for your ships to come in. Magic is heading your way; now, it's your turn to shape the outcome.




Tradition holds significance for you, Sagittarius, but not necessarily in an orthodox way. It's about finding order in your life, whether it's celebrating special occasions or following a routine. Expect good news today, along with opportunities, abundance, and time to enjoy the beauty of life. You've made your choices; now, carry forward only what you desire.




Capricorn, it's time to let go of heartache in your relationships and be open to something positive. If you've been confused between two options, examine the red flags and make a wise decision. For those facing professional challenges, trust your instincts and extend an olive branch where needed, while keeping your guard up against negative energies. Acknowledge your achievements and stay vigilant for both opportunities and potential onlookers.  




While the shore may have seemed distant recently, things are speeding up now. The acceleration may feel a bit overwhelming initially, but trust the excitement in your gut to guide you safely. Use both logic and intuition, and combine your skills with your unique touch. This could be the beginning of something significant in your life. Your past acts of kindness are coming back to you as a mysterious gift. It's time to assert firm yet gentle boundaries and make the most of your opportunities.  




Use your intellect and break free from your self-imposed restrictions, Pisces. Even if things haven't gone as expected, you're still on the path to your goals. If you feel stuck, remember that you're well-equipped to handle the situation. Let go of harsh judgments and soften your approach. The clouds are parting, and the sun is beginning to shine.

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