Photo Gallery: Daily Horoscope: Find out what the stars have in store for you - December 2, 2018

Sundeep Kochar | Dec 02, 2018, 08:08 AM IST

Professional life will appear to be moving at break speed and you will be under illusion that you are going to make lot of money. Be careful with your financial investments as you may end up losing big time if you gamble on investments. Just tread carefully and take careful step in matters regarding to finances. Short travel may be on card


You are seeking for new ideas. Focus on your inner creativity and it may give new path or new twist to your career. Your love life is of late stagnant and what you have been doing? Go and give due attention to your love life. You better pack your bags as you may be in for a short trip very soon. Take care of your health and restrict your diet and do not indulge in fancy food for few days.


Your closest people are moody and tired and yearn for your attention. You may yourself feel peevish today and bit sore on many things. Take a break and go on a long travel with your family. On love

front, be careful not to hurt your beloved ones as your choice of words may be interpreted wrongly today. There will be tremendous ups and downs in your relationship. Try to control your inner self to avoid mood swings.


Your creative side needs some introspection. Your heart yearns for creative space and activity, but you are so engrossed in mundane work that you are not able to flourish and get inner satisfaction. Take a break and explore your relationship with your loved ones. Probably that may kindle your passion and give you a new thrust and meaning to your goals.


You may turn too engrossed with your personal relationships, that you may also lose some potential chances in your professional life. Your focus should be on new initiative or stating new business. Just be careful with your health as you may fall sick due to lot of stress


You may encounter with some situations, where you must invest more money in your present business. You will need to be more mature in handling continual chain of sudden events occurrences. Be careful with people of opposite sex and focus on your task and less on other activities.


You may see someone in your family member need your time and attention. Give them the focus that they deserve. You have been neglecting your family front for long. Be focused on your work and do not waste your energy on unproductive work. There are high chances that you may purchase or consider buying vehicle. Be careful in wasteful expenditure.



Love will inspire you to become creative especially for those who are in writing or painting job. You will find you are meeting some long-lost friend today. Finances will have a moderate flow all through the day. Try to put some halt to secondary expenses. You will have strong urge to take some bold decisions and it may well turn out to be in your favour.


Today you will witness opportunities on multiple fronts. You will be confused to which option or opportunity to pursue first. Take a back seat and think calmly on what is best for you and what you really want to do? You will be rewarded for your hard work, dedication and perseverance. You will be rewarded for your capability. Your loved ones will be fully supportive of you. Overall a very good day for you.


There are challenges that will come your way and it may be tough to face every situation. But do not lose patience or heart. Your courage, ability to adapt to new situation will put in right use today. You

may be inclined to venture in new investments and just do proper due diligence before entering any new contract. Beware of your health and some old ailments may surface.


Your enterprise and accounts will be right in place. You will enjoy a smooth financial life, even though may miss some enlistments. Maximise your advantage position by associating with people of influence who will support your initiatives. Overall a good day to be in.


You will be working nonstop and will be in auto pilot mode of steering your energy in achieving your objective. People will be amazed at your energy and you will rub your drive and energy to people surrounding you. This will make people naturally follow you. The people of opposite sex will naturally get charmed with this dedication and drive of yours and will also come close to you. This may be your disruptor if you are not careful. Try and start a new initiative that is beneficial to society.

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