Photo Gallery: Daily horoscope predictions for July 22, 2019

Sundeep Kochar | Jul 22, 2019, 06:56 AM IST


You might not feel very communicative today, but the tasks that are going to be put in front of you are going to be very communicative. Don’t worry though, instead of forcing yourself through the tasks, ask for a day off and do it tomorrow when you’re in a much clearer space of mind. You might feel a little angsty as well. It’s best to meditate to keep your calm.



There is a strong force that might be working against you today. Everything you do will turn the other way round and this might get you a little worked up. The best thing to do in this situation is to take advantage of what is put in front of you. Grab hold of the situation and turn it to work in your favour. You’ll notice your day change immediately.




Bite your tongue today Gem. You’re going to be noticing a lot of faults all over, but it’s best you keep them to yourself. There’s no need to tell others what you’re thinking. Your opinions could disrupt their work and that is the last thing anyone wants from you. It’s best to stay in your lane and keep doing what you’re doing. 



You might be facing a difficult position in the workplace today. Someone might be trying to take over your position. Don’t get overwhelmed by this. Your skills and knowledge about your subject is going to win any day. Let the opposition put their case, and then play your cards right and show them what you’re really made of.


The weather is definitely going to keep you down today. You don’t do well with heat and you know that already. So why do you want to go out and be in the heat? Stay in the comfort of your room today. You don’t want to get a heatstroke, so make sure you stay hydrated all day. 


Don’t beat around the bush today. Be straightforward and ask for what you want. You’re not going to get it until you ask for it. Be clear with your thoughts and demands so people don’t take advantage of you and you get what you’re asking for. 




Practicality is key today. You’ve been living in a dream bubble and today it’s about to pop. Time to get back to your daily routine and work on yourself. Focus on the things around you and don’t try to grab all the attention. Give people a chance to talk as well, and stop bossing them around. Be a friendly face instead of a tormenting boss. 



Keep your temper in check today. You’re going to feel agitated and irritated at things. This isn’t your fault, it’s just the weather affecting you. Find time to meditate to calm yourself and make yourself feel better. There’s no point in fretting over things that don’t mean anything.


Is there someone you’ve been meaning to talk to for a while? Reach out to them today and things might just work out for you. The stars are in your favour today and it’s going to be uphill from here with friendships, relationships and family. You just have to take that first step in picking up the phone and everything else will flow itself.


You might want to take a breather today. Forget about your problems and appreciate the good around you. Today brings positivity in your life and it will help you look at things with a new perspective. Keep an open mind.



Activeness is the key to living a healthy lifestyle. You might feel extremely lethargic today, but it’s not the day to be laying around in bed. Instead, go for a run or for a short workout. You might end up meeting new people and making new friends that will push you out of your comfort zone and keep you active and alive for the week.



Say yes to everything that comes your way. You can’t be stuck in your shell for too long. You need to step out of the box and try new things. Pick up whatever is being offered to you and it will keep you excited and on your toes all day long. There won’t be a second to get bored. 

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