Photo Gallery:Daily Horoscope: Find out what the stars have in store for you today—November 23, 2018

Sundeep Kochar | Nov 23, 2018, 07:11 AM IST

You will be emotionally, mentally and physically charged up and like to do many things at one go. You will woo your partner to the hilt and your partner will be surprised at your new-found aggression. People at work will be surprised at your energy level and your superiors may even reward you with new task or role.


You will feel irritable today and will be surprised at the sudden events happening. You will try to control all the events and find it too hard to manage with so much activity happening at same time. It is good time to just take a break and allow things to take its own course


You will be great frame of mind as you will be public domain talking about matters relating to heart, mind and spiritual self. You will be attracting people of opposite sex and many will look up to you for your decisive action. Travel trip is on cards. Overall a day where you will feel you are ruling the masses and yet you are not attached to their adulation.


Your health will need to be monitored as you have been working like crazy for many days. Many of your decisions will be scrutinised in depth today and even your opponents will be surprised at the level of planning and detail efforts you put in general. However, do not sit on laurels and keep working towards your goal.


You want to speculate on various matters including matters pertaining to heart. If you are steady and sincere and truthful to your dreams and objectives, you have higher chance of success in any matters that you are pursuing. Your children will be source of inspiration. Today you should just curb your over enthusiasm.


Try to be less adventurous today and calm your nerves. You will be attacked from all sides and many of these attacks are insignificant in nature. Take rational and sensible decisions and do not act in haste. Overall just take it low and be steady.


Courage is key motto today, but your strength is in diplomacy. Combine both to win over your friends and foes. You may be in for a short trip so keep your travel bags ready. You will be in good space and frame of mind. It may be a good time to propose to your partner and may get lucky.


Try to control your expenses and try to avoid risky investments as much as possible. The losses can be big today if you are not careful. You should spend time with your family and it is time to take them out for an outing. You will have amazed the type of support coming from your family members. Be positive should be your motto today.


You will find your mood to be emotional and peevish at the same time. You will see that many of things are not going in your way. There is some potential loss with matters related to finance and romance and the loss looks magnified to you. It is better to take a back stage and lie low.


You will be charged and excited in your romance and love life. Your desires and expectations of fulfilment of desires will increase exponentially. You may be meeting some influential people, and this will increase your expectation on fulfilment of your wants and needs. Just try to be grounded though it is not in your nature.


You will be a strong leader and people will listen to you today. Take this as an opportunity to start something new and exciting. You will be attractive to people of opposite sex and it is appropriate time to express your interest if you are in love with someone. For people in relationship, you will be amazed to see your partner is smitten all over you.


You want to connect intellectually with spiritual knowledge and seek answers, but your heart will like to indulge in fun and pleasures. You will try to dabble on both materialistic and spiritualistic interest. It is good time to seek advice of elders especially some fatherly figure or teacher on direction of life.

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