In pics: Kargil war star MiG 27 fighter jets takes its last flight

Dec 27, 2019, 11:44 AM IST

MiG-27 has been the mainstay of IAF's ground attack capability

MiG-27 has been the mainstay of IAF's ground attack capability

Inducted in 1985, MiG-27 has been the mainstay of IAF's ground attack capability. It has participated in all major IAF operations and has played a stellar role in the 1999 Kargil War. The operational life of the aircraft has ended and recently many technical glitches were reported across the country. (Image Courtesy: Indian Air Force)


This swing-wing fighter bomber was one of the main strike aircraft of the IAF

This swing-wing fighter bomber was one of the main strike aircraft of the IAF

This swing-wing fighter bomber was one of the main strike aircraft of the IAF. With good forward visibility and all-around view, it could drop bombs, or fire rockets, precision munitions guided by TV/laser and also air-to-air missiles for self-defence, thus making it a lethal and a potent weapon platform. (Image Courtesy: Indian Air Force)


The fighter jet has proved its worth in various operations, including Kargil

The fighter jet has proved its worth in various operations, including Kargil

Procured in the 1980s from the then Soviet Union, the fighter jet has proved its worth in various operations, including Kargil, and earned rich accolades in numerous international exercises held in India. The formidable strike aircraft has the single most powerful engine in the world and variable geometry wing which allows the pilot to change the wing sweep angle while flying as per the mission requirements to achieve optimum flying characteristics. (Image Courtesy: Indian Air Force)


Indian Air Force personnel pay last salute to the MiG-27

Indian Air Force personnel pay last salute to the MiG-27

Indian Air Force personnel pay last salute to the MiG-27. MiG 27 ground strike aircraft, named 'Bahadur' in India, has had an impeccable track record in its more than three decades of glorious service to the nation. (Image Courtesy: ANI)


MiG-27 fighters taking the last flight at the Air Force Station

MiG-27 fighters taking the last flight at the Air Force Station

MiG-27 fighters taking the last flight at the Air Force Station, Jodhpur. The MiG-27 fighter jets have been the backbone of the IAF's ground-attack fleet for several years. The upgraded MiG 27 participated in numerous national and international exercises, but after a series of crashes, the IAF decided to decommission the last MiG-27 fighters. (Image Courtesy: Indian Air Force)


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