7 Colours To Wear On 7 Days Of Week For Good Luck And Prosperity

Wearing specific colors each day of the week is believed to influence your mood and energy. Colors are thought to align with the energies of the planets and can enhance various qualities, such as calmness, confidence, or creativity. Choosing the right color can help set a positive tone for your day.

Zee Media Bureau | Aug 27, 2024, 09:42 AM IST

Monday - White

Monday - White

White represents peace and calm, making it an ideal color for Monday. Wearing white can help you start the week with a clear mind and a sense of purity. It is also believed to bring positivity and good energy, setting a serene tone for the week ahead.



Tuesday - Red

Tuesday - Red

Red symbolizes energy, passion, and action, perfect for boosting motivation on Tuesday. It is associated with Mars, the planet of courage and determination. Wearing red can inspire you to tackle challenges head-on and stay focused on your goals, enhancing your drive and enthusiasm throughout the day.



Wednesday - Green

Wednesday - Green

Green, the color of nature and growth, is associated with Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect. Wearing green on Wednesday can foster creativity, balance, and harmony. It is also believed to promote healing and renewal, making it an excellent choice for rejuvenating your spirit midweek.



Thursday - Yellow

Thursday - Yellow

Yellow is linked to optimism, wisdom, and clarity. Associated with Jupiter, the planet of expansion and knowledge, wearing yellow on Thursday can enhance learning and understanding. It is said to attract positivity and joy, making it a great color to wear when seeking enlightenment or working on personal growth.



Friday - Pink

Friday - Pink

Pink represents love, harmony, and compassion, aligning with Venus, the planet of beauty and affection. Wearing pink on Friday encourages kindness and emotional balance, making it a wonderful choice for social activities or spending time with loved ones. It promotes gentle energies and enhances your sense of inner peace.



Saturday - Black or Dark Blue:

Saturday - Black or Dark Blue:

Black and dark blue are colors associated with Saturn, the planet of discipline, structure, and responsibility. Wearing these colors on Saturday can help you focus on long-term goals and self-discipline. They are also believed to provide protection and stability, making them ideal for a day of reflection and planning.



Orange Or Gold

Orange Or Gold

Orange and gold, vibrant and warm colors, are associated with the Sun, symbolizing vitality, success, and confidence. Wearing these colors on Sunday can boost your self-esteem and inspire creativity and joy. They are perfect for activities that involve socializing or engaging in hobbies, helping you end the week on a high note.


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