Photo Gallery: Find out what the stars have in store for you today — August 17, 2019

Sundeep Kochar | Aug 17, 2019, 06:35 AM IST


If you focus on the good things in life, you can turn your day around completely. Put the negative thoughts out of your system today. If you feel things are not going your way, then let them go. Stop forcing things that are out of your reach. Instead, focus on what you already have and the good things in life. This will keep your spirits up high.



The unspoken words between you and a close on is starting to get on your nerves. You’ve been holding in things for a while now. Today is a good day for confrontation. If you feel that this person is drifting apart from you, then it’s best to talk to them about it. Don’t assume that people will understand you. Put some effort in explaining yourself to them and things will get sorted.



All your energy is starting to fade a little. This is a good and a bad thing. Bad because you obviously have a lot to do and you need a lot of energy for that. However, you’ve been doing too much and you need to take a pause. Your low energy is giving you signs that you should get some rest and not stress out too much. Listen to this energy Scorpio, and get some rest.




Confidence is key today. You haven’t been feeling very confident lately, but today that’s going to change. You’ll find yourself strutting all over town and people will be staring at you everywhere you go. So make the most of your confidence and try facing fears that you wouldn’t usually face on a regular day.




Helping others will make you feel accomplished today. You’ve been wanting to feel worthy and needed for a while now and today you’ll get that sense of content you’ve been searching for. Make time to help others around you and offer your services around. Your skills could be put to use better than you think, and they’ll be appreciated too.



It’s time to step out of your daily routine and go someplace different. The same atmosphere is pausing your creativity. Drive somewhere far away with a friend where you think your inspiration might strike the most. A change of place will also give you the break you’ve been craving for a while. So have fun and let go of your worries.




Your introverted personality is what attracts people towards you. This might sound weird, but you intrigue people to the point where they want to come and speak to you. When someone approaches you, don’t push them away. Instead, accept new people in your life and open up. This will help you in all sectors of your life.




If you’ve been wishing for something lately, it’s about to come true today. You always work hard for whatever you get, but today it’s just going to come to you itself. New opportunities are also going to knock on your door. Make sure you analyse them properly before taking them up, and try stepping out of your comfort zone a little and do something new.



Karma tends to bite people back very quickly. So if someone has done you wrong, it’s not your job to run after them for revenge. Karma is on your side, so it’s definitely going to get back to those who hurt you. All you have to do today is sit back and watch people get what they deserve. You’ve been too good to others and now it’s time that they’re good to you.



There’s a coworker who has been eyeing you in a romantic way lately. They will try to stay away from you as much as possible, and this might seem weird, but that’s just their way of grabbing your attention. If you feel the same, then give them some of your attention - if you play hard to get, you might not get what you want. Instead, try to be the one who is approachable for a change.



You need to give your partner a break today. You’ve been too much in their face and you need to calm down. They need space to breathe, and if you don’t give them that, then they might just drift away from you. Don’t hold on too tight to them. Give them their freedom and they’re bound to fall in love with you all over again.



Money isn’t everything, and it’s high time you understood that. Today you’ll meet realisation regarding happiness and calmness. This will make you realise that money isn’t everything you’re looking for. This doesn’t mean quit your job and do nothing, but it just means that find time to focus on other things other than earning money.

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