Photo Gallery: Find out what the stars have in store for you today — August 18, 2019

Sundeep Kochar | Aug 18, 2019, 06:42 AM IST


You’ve been wrapped up in your head too much that you haven’t noticed that a friend needs you. Today, stop being so attention-grabbing and give others some attention. Your friends are always there for you no matter what, and it’s time that you show up and be there for them. Your relationships will get better if they work both ways.




Good company is key today. You’re at a point at your job where you’re constantly worrying about money for no reason at all. You’re in a comfortable position and your aims are high, but you don’t need to stress over them. Spend time with people who make you comfortable and make you realise your accomplishments.




Your life is an open book, and because of this you expect others to be the same way. You need to understand that not everyone can easily open up and tell you how they feel. Today, there are going to be things that you might not come to know, but read in between the lines and you’ll figure out what people are trying to say to you.



Your habit of seeing the good in people is going beneficial at times, but at times it also makes them take advantage of you - and you definitely don’t want that. Today make sure you see the other side of people instead of just the good side - and this might surprise you. Not everyone is working towards you, there are people working against you and you need to figure out who is with you and who is against you.



Changes related to your love life are going to be made today. The best thing is, they’re going to work out exactly how you want them to. So think long and hard about what you want on the romantic side of things because that’s what you’re going to get. Have fun being in a love bubble all day. You deserve it.



You’re a problem solver, but you can’t carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Try to set realistic goals instead of trying to solve all of the world’s problems. This will keep you at peace and keep you content.



How are things going? Have you had enough of a break? Well it’s time to get back to the grind now. Work work work - that’s all that should be on your mind. You’ve been straying away from your goals a little too much lately, and you need to get back to where you started, or else you’re going to get stuck.



You might be the boss in your workplace, but that doesn’t mean you have to behave that way. You need to befriend those who work under you. Understand that if they have a greater comfort level with you, then work will be done better. Don’t show people who is boss. Instead, be by their side and make them feel there’s no hierarchy.




You might be feeling quite shy today due to a certain someone being around you. This isn’t a regular feeling for you so you might be feeling a little overwhelmed. But don’t worry Sag, everyone has crushes and everyone is shy around them. Just don’t be nervous, and speak your mind. Things will work out your way for sure.





Relax Cap, it’s all good today. Your workaholic mind can be put at peace as today you’ll receive good news at work. It could be a promotion, or success in a venture that you’ve been waiting for a while. Keep your calm and try to take ideas from others as this will help you understand different perspectives and will only aid in your excellence.



Socialising might not be the best thing for you today. It’s best for you to stay by yourself and sort out your living space if you’re getting too bored. You might end up in a lot of arguments if you socialise with others because your mind isn’t ready to meet with others today. So it’s best you stay home.




Your ambition is out of the roof, but you need to realise that not everything you dream of can be possible at the moment. Try to set realistic goals and focus on things that are already in the pipeline. Everything you want will come to you slowly, but you have to be patient for that to be possible. So keep your calm and wait for your turn to come.

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