In pics: Injured Swiss cows get helicopter ride from Alpine pastures

A dozen beasts got the lift to land near the Klausenpass mountain pass, around 1,950 metres (6,400 feet) above sea level, reported Reuters.

Aug 27, 2021, 23:01 PM IST

Cows injured during their summer sojourn in the high Swiss Alpine meadows got a jump on their healthier herdmates when they got helicopter rides down the mountain, reported Reuters.


Injured cows were transported through helicopters in Switzerland

Injured cows were transported through helicopters in Switzerland

Many cows were injured during their summer sojourn in Switzerland. (Image: Reuters)


A dozen beasts got the lift to land near the Klausenpass mountain pass

A dozen beasts got the lift to land near the Klausenpass mountain pass

These cows were lifted around 1,950 metres (6,400 feet) above sea level. (Image: Reuters)


Switzerland's economy has a special place for agriculture

Switzerland's economy has a special place for agriculture

The country gives a lot of value to its animal rearing techniques. (Image: Reuters)


Dairy products are a major part of Switzerland's various businesses

Dairy products are a major part of Switzerland's various businesses

3 Cs--cheese, chocolate and cows--are famous in Switzerland. (Image: Reuters)

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