War and pics: What are conditions Russia has put forth to end war against Ukraine

Ahead of the third round of peace talks between the delegations of Russia and Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin laid a few conditions that can make him accept an immediate ceasefire.

Zee Media Bureau | Mar 07, 2022, 09:35 AM IST

Ahead of the third round of peace talks between the delegations of Russia and Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin laid a few conditions that can make him accept an immediate ceasefire and stop the war.

At least eight civilians were killed after Russians launched shelling in Ukraine’s Irpin in the midst of the evacuation process.

The fighting also prevented residents from evacuating Mariupol for the second day in a row as Russian President Vladimir Putin vowed to press ahead with his invasion.

So far over 360 civilians have been killed in Ukraine since Russia’s invasion began, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) said in a statement Sunday.


Russia's four-point formula to restore peace in Ukraine

Russia's four-point formula to restore peace in Ukraine

Russia has collated a four-point formula to push out NATO, the western military alliance, out of most of the territories that were once a part of the former Soviet Union.

Moscow’s demands include legally binding assurance from the NATO members of no further expansion in the eastern belt of the Erupe that puts Russian borders in jeopardy.

These serve as Vladimir Putin’s conditions to stop the war in Ukraine.


No further expansion of NATO, Russia's first condition to end the Ukraine crisis

No further expansion of NATO, Russia's first condition to end the Ukraine crisis

Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov stressed on Tuesday during a video address to the Conference on Disarmament said that NATO’s legally binding guarantee of no further expansion is their foremost condition to restore peace in Ukraine.


Abandon Bucharest model, Putin's second condition to restore peace in Ukraine

Abandon Bucharest model, Putin's second condition to restore peace in Ukraine

Moscow sought that NATO must, first, abandon the 'Bucharest formula' that the alliance had adopted during its 2008 Bucharest summit.

The Bucharest formula envisions including Ukraine and Georgia in the US-led military bloc.

“Western countries should refrain from establishing military facilities on the territory of former USSR states that are not members of the alliance, including the use of their infrastructure for conducting any military activity,” said the Russian foreign minister.


NATO must follow NATO-Russia Founding Act of 1997, Putin's third condition

NATO must follow NATO-Russia Founding Act of 1997, Putin's third condition

Russia's third condition is that NATO must follow the NATO-Russia Founding Act of 1997 which froze the grouping's military capabilities, including strike, and NATO infrastructure to that year, Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov said.


Immediate demilitarization of Ukraine, Putin's fourth condition

Immediate demilitarization of Ukraine, Putin's fourth condition

Putin told his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron after the first round of peace talks between Russia and Ukraine that the demilitarisation of Ukraine and Western recognition of Russian sovereignty over the Crimean peninsula were prerequisites to ending fighting in Ukraine, the Kremlin said.

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