A123 Systems

Apple, A123 close to settling battery hiring lawsuit

Apple Inc and electric battery maker A123 Systems are close to settling a legal dispute over claims that the smartphone and computer maker, which is also looking into building an electric vehicle, poached A123 employees to build a large-scale battery unit.

May 14, 2015, 09:00 AM IST

Apple slapped with lawsuit for poaching A123 engineers

Electric car battery maker A123 Systems has reportedly filed a lawsuit against Apple for poaching at least five of its employees in order to start a large scale battery division of its own.

Feb 20, 2015, 13:52 PM IST

Apple poaching auto engineers to build battery division

Electric-car battery maker A123 Systems has sued Apple Inc for poaching top engineers to build a large-scale battery division, according to a court filing that offered further evidence that the iPhone maker may be developing a car.

Feb 19, 2015, 09:57 AM IST