Alpha Centauri

Life beyond our solar system: NASA may send probe to nearby exoplanet by 2069

Although most of the technology NASA needs for such a mission does not exist yet, it could involve travelling at one-tenth the speed of light.

Dec 20, 2017, 17:12 PM IST

Project Blue: Scientists prepare to spy on Alpha Centauri for Earth 2.0 and alien life!

Project Blue aims to launch a small, light-weight telescope into Earth's orbit in 2019.

Oct 13, 2016, 17:01 PM IST

Billionaire Yuri Milner bids another $100 million to explore the cosmos

Billionaire Internet investor Yuri Milner announced another $100 million initiative on Tuesday to better understand the cosmos, this time by deploying thousands of tiny spacecraft to travel to our nearest neighboring star system and send back pictures.

Apr 13, 2016, 00:07 AM IST