American girl

Tom Petty died of accidental drug overdose

Musician Tom Petty, a songwriter who melded California rock with a deep, stubborn Southern heritage, died of an accidental overdose after taking various painkillers, according to a statement issued by his family.

Jan 20, 2018, 14:49 PM IST

NASA helps American Girl to create aspiring astronaut doll

The focus of the collaboration is the 'Girl of the Year' doll for 2018, an 11-year-old aspiring astronaut named Luciana who wants to be the first person to put boots on Mars.

Dec 29, 2017, 17:11 PM IST

Tom Petty, heartland rocker with dark streak, dead at 66

Tom Petty, the heartland rocker whose classic melodies but dark storytelling created a string of hits over four decades, died Monday of cardiac arrest, his family said. He was 66.

Oct 03, 2017, 10:24 AM IST

American girl, who suffered from life-threatening seizures, cured by cannabis oil

Annalise Lujan with a rare form of epilepsy has been cured from the life-threatening seizures after doctors treated her with cannabis oil.

Jun 03, 2017, 20:25 PM IST

LED bulbs for Indian poor, courtesy American girl

Ashok Kumar/OneWorld South Asia

Jul 14, 2016, 13:25 PM IST