American shooting

Horrific firing in America 22 people have Died and 60 people have been injured

There has once been a horrific shooting in America. The attacker has opened fire in America. 60 people have been injured in this firing. So 22 people have died there.

Oct 26, 2023, 09:18 AM IST

Firing in America's university, professor killed by entering campus

America Firing Breaking News: There has been a stir due to firing in the University of America. The attacker has entered the campus and killed the professor. The American police have caught the suspect.

Aug 29, 2023, 06:42 AM IST

Amy Schumer scraps gun scene from movie post Orlando shooting

Amy Schumer has decided to cut a gun violence scene from her new movie in the aftermath of deadly shooting in Orlando nightclub.

Jun 18, 2016, 09:33 AM IST