Andrea Leadsom

Theresa May becomes Conservative leader, to take over as British PM on Wednesday

British Home Secretary Theresa May on Monday was confirmed as the new leader of the Conservative Party with "immediate effect" and set to succeed David Cameroon as Prime Minister of Britain on Wednesday.

Jul 12, 2016, 00:06 AM IST

Theresa May all set to be next UK PM as Andrea Leadsom pulls out of race

Theresa May is the only remaining candidate to be the new leader of Britain`s ruling Conservative Party.

Jul 11, 2016, 18:23 PM IST

UK government rejects 4m-strong petition for 2nd EU vote

The British government formally rejected a petition signed by more than 4.125 million people calling for a second referendum.

Jul 09, 2016, 15:10 PM IST

Theresa May and Andrea Leadsom to fight all-women contest for British PM

The British Conservative Party elected two women on Thursday as the final candidates to become Britain`s next prime minister replacing David Cameron.

Jul 07, 2016, 22:51 PM IST

Theresa May leads three-horse PM race as Brexit hits pound and property

May won 165 votes in a first ballot of Conservative members of parliament and Leadsom, a junior energy minister, won 66, increasingly the likelihood that Britain will get only its second woman prime minister after Margaret Thatcher.

Jul 06, 2016, 02:57 AM IST

Brexit worries hit pound and property as Conservatives vote for PM

Worries about the economic impact of leaving the European Union hit Britain`s property market and hammered the pound on Tuesday as Conservative members of parliament began voting for a new prime minister.

Jul 06, 2016, 00:09 AM IST