Atrial fibrillation

Stress, Insomnia Linked To Irregular Heart Rhythms Following Menopause: Study

Researchers noted that stressful life events, poor sleep and feelings, such as depression, anxiety or feeling overwhelmed by one’s circumstances, are often interrelated. It’s difficult to know whether these factors accumulate gradually over the years to increase the risk of atrial fibrillation as women age.

Aug 31, 2023, 15:23 PM IST

Study reveals taller people likely to develop atrial fibrillation

The findings were presented at the American Heart Association`s 2019 Scientific Sessions in Philadelphia. Researchers found that the risk for AFib climbed as one`s height increased, with every one-inch increase in height translating to about a three per cent increase in the risk of Afib - independent of other clinical factors - as compared to those at average height (5 feet and 7 inches).

Nov 16, 2019, 18:20 PM IST

Non-steroidal painkillers may harm your heart

The new findings point to the importance of closely monitoring the adverse effects of NSAIDs on heart health, particularly among individuals at high risk, said the researchers.

Mar 21, 2018, 17:46 PM IST

Overweight men at increased risk of irregular heartbeat at the age of 50

Obesity is one of the biggest health problems at present, that is rapidly becoming a part of everyone's life.

Oct 17, 2017, 13:33 PM IST

Do you work long hours? You may be at a risk of heart disease!

Working long hours has previously been associated with depression, anxiety, obesity and excessive alcohol consumption.

Jul 30, 2017, 18:37 PM IST

This new method may help improve treatment for irregular heart rate

Researchers have developed a a new method that may improve the treatment for irregular heart rate.

Mar 03, 2017, 18:57 PM IST

Insomnia increases risk of stroke, irregular heartbeat

Are you suffering from insomnia? Well, this sleep disorder may increase the risk of an irregular and often rapid heartbeat, known as atrial fibrillation or arrhythmia.

Nov 15, 2016, 23:05 PM IST

Moderate alcohol consumption may increase risk of atrial fibrillation

 Moderate alcohol consumption may change the structure of the heart in ways that increases the risk of atrial fibrillation leading to a stroke, a study suggests.

Sep 30, 2016, 01:01 AM IST

Irregular heartbeat may cause serious health hazards

The researchers studied the associations between atrial fibrillation and cardiovascular disease, renal (kidney) disease and death.

Sep 08, 2016, 14:05 PM IST

Atrial fibrillation: Symptoms, risk factors and prevention tips!

Anyone with certain chronic conditions or a heart disease has an increased risk of atrial fibrillation.

Jul 18, 2016, 16:41 PM IST

High intensity exercise may be bad for your heart!

There is already fairly compelling evidence supporting the association between long-term sports practice and increased prevalence of atrial fibrillation -- abnormal heart rhythm characterised by rapid and irregular beating.

Feb 25, 2016, 17:47 PM IST

Botox may prevent irregular heartbeat

When a small amount of Botox is injected into a muscle, it blocks nerve signals that tell muscles to contract.

Oct 21, 2015, 20:05 PM IST

Pacemaker-checks good way to ward off stroke

Pacemakers can detect asymptomatic AF but are not routinely monitored for this purpose.

Oct 19, 2015, 14:29 PM IST

Relax! Coffee won't make heartbeat go haywire

 People who like drinking coffee can safely continue to have it, at least in moderation, without the risk of developing atrial fibrillation -- a heart condition that causes an irregular and often abnormally fast heart rate, suggests new research.

Sep 27, 2015, 16:23 PM IST

Coffee doesn't risk your heart

A new study has found no association between coffee consumption and an increased risk of atrial fibrillation.

Sep 23, 2015, 10:14 AM IST