
Top 7 Rarest Birds in the World

The top seven rarest birds include the Kakapo, a critically endangered New Zealand parrot; the Imperial Amazon, found only in Dominica; the spoon-billed sandpiper with its unique bill; the Orange-bellied parrot from Australia; the Bali myna unique to Bali; the increasingly rare Golden pheasant from China; and the critically endangered Rufous-headed ground dove from the Philippines.

Sep 02, 2024, 18:03 PM IST

Relationship status can change who you find sexy

Relationship status can affect who and what we find attractive. A new study has found that if we are in a relationship, we are more likely to be attracted to faces resembling our own, but for single people opposites attract.

Jul 15, 2016, 14:19 PM IST

Frequent selfie takers less attractive?

According to the team from University of Toronto, participants ranked frequent selfie takers as less attractive and less likeable compared to those who did not go overboard with self-portraits.

May 23, 2016, 14:19 PM IST