
Punishing terms of Greek bailout deal

The austerity measures that Greece agreed to on Monday in return for a bailout to stave off a euro exit involve some of the harshest terms Athens has faced in five years of rescue programmes.

Jul 13, 2015, 20:19 PM IST

Greeks see 'humiliation' in harsh terms of eurozone bailout

Greeks were bracing Monday for the effects of the tough terms of an agreement that secured the country`s third bailout in five years, with many rejecting them while others said they were necessary to stay in the euro.

Jul 13, 2015, 18:47 PM IST

Eurozone to pass bailout judgment as Greece backs reforms

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras won backing from lawmakers on Saturday for painful reforms but it remained unclear it would be enough to secure a bailout from German and other eurozone ministers meeting in Brussels.

Jul 11, 2015, 17:35 PM IST

Factbox: Eurozone has tight timeline for deal to save Greece

Eurozone countries have set a tight timeline for any deal to save Greece from economic collapse that could catapult it out of Europe`s common currency.

Jul 10, 2015, 00:16 AM IST

Eurozone bailout fund receives Greek aid request

The eurozone`s bailout fund said Wednesday Greece had formally submitted a request for a new aid programme, just days before a final deadline to reach a debt deal.

Jul 08, 2015, 17:52 PM IST

Greece seeks new bailout as deadline looms

Greece asked for a new international bailout on Wednesday as Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said he was confident debt-stricken Athens could meet a weekend debt deal deadline to stay in the euro.

Jul 08, 2015, 17:30 PM IST

White House calls on Greece, EU to find compromise

The White House urged Greece and EU leaders Monday to find a compromise to keep the cash-strapped country in the eurozone, after Greeks voted resoundingly to reject an austerity-based bailout.

Jul 07, 2015, 06:41 AM IST

Spain wants Greece to stay in euro, open to new bailout talks

Spain is open to negotiating a new bailout for Greece, which should remain in the eurozone, Economy Minister Luis de Guindos said Monday after Greek voters rejected creditors` austerity demands in a weekend referendum.

Jul 06, 2015, 18:29 PM IST

Eurozone in tailspin after Greece votes `No` to bailout

Greek voters overwhelmingly rejected international creditors` tough bailout terms in a historic referendum Sunday that immediately sent the euro plummeting out of fear it could trigger a "Grexit" from the eurozone.

Jul 06, 2015, 05:11 AM IST

Greek parliament approves referendum on bailout terms: Assembly

A proposed referendum on the latest offer of a deal made to Greece by its EU-IMF creditors was approved by a majority in the Greek parliament late Saturday night, according to the assembly`s count.

Jun 28, 2015, 07:01 AM IST

Greece says creditors` demands `irrational`

Greece believes the demands of its EU-IMF creditors are "irrational", a government source said Sunday after the latest round of talks on its bailout ended without a deal.

Jun 14, 2015, 23:49 PM IST

Greece bailout talks end with no deal, 'significant gaps' remain: EU

Crunch bailout talks between Greece and its EU-IMF creditors ended without a deal on Sunday, with "significant gaps" still remaining, a European Commission spokesman said.

Jun 14, 2015, 23:04 PM IST

Greece bailout offer `not a negotiation` Dutch PM

A bailout offer to be put to Athens at a crucial meeting in Brussels to help Greece avoid possibly defaulting is "not a negotiation", Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said on Wednesday.

Jun 03, 2015, 18:20 PM IST

Greece hoping for deal to unlock bailout funds by Sunday

Greece said it hopes to conclude by Sunday a deal with its international creditors to unlock much-needed bailout funds.

May 28, 2015, 19:56 PM IST

Greece seeks eurozone nod but bailout deal ruled out

Greece pushed Europe on Monday to back its reform plans and free up cash before a huge repayment to the IMF, but ministers meeting in Brussels warned there would be no bailout deal yet.

May 11, 2015, 21:15 PM IST

EU, IMF hit back at Greece in bailout row

The EU, ECB and IMF hit back on Wednesday at accusations by Athens that internal rifts were blocking a bailout deal, saying they shared the same objective of securing a hard-won settlement.

May 06, 2015, 21:58 PM IST

Cyprus stuck in recession 3 years after bailout: EU

Eurozone country Cyprus will not shake off a three-year recession in 2015, a European Commission spring forecast predicted on Tuesday.

May 05, 2015, 19:04 PM IST

Greece resumes debt talks with creditors

Greece on Thursday resumed talks with its international creditors on critically-needed bailout funds as officials warned that time was running out for a deal.

Apr 30, 2015, 22:28 PM IST

Greece told to move `urgently` on detailed debt plan

Greece was told Saturday to urgently deliver a detailed fiscal and debt plan to official lenders as the IMF-World Bank spring meetings wound up amid escalating worries of a looming default.

Apr 19, 2015, 04:33 AM IST

US Treasury secretary urges Greece to reach debt deal

Global finance officials are urging Greece to reach a deal with its creditors and avoid a catastrophic default that would stagger a world economy still emerging from recession.

Apr 19, 2015, 02:06 AM IST