bangladesh mp death

DNA: Honey-trap suspected in Bangladesh MP Murder!

A heart-wrenching revelation has come to light in the murder of Bangladeshi MP Anwarul Azim in Kolkata. CCTV video of Bangladeshi MP Anwarul Azim has surfaced.

May 25, 2024, 01:52 AM IST

Bangladeshi MP Death: Honeytrap Angle Emerges! A Secret Woman May Be Behind 'Murder'

West Bengal Police believe that Bangladesh MP Anwarul Azim Anar may have been "lured" into a New Town flat by a woman and then murdered by contract killers.

May 24, 2024, 20:00 PM IST

DNA: Bangladesh MP murder mystery deepens

The dead body of Bangladesh MP Anwarul Azim Anar has not been found yet. But Bengal Police has received many CCTV videos related to the incident.

May 23, 2024, 23:38 PM IST

DNA: Bangladesh MP found dead in Kolkata

Bangladesh MP Anwarul Azim, who was missing in India for the last eight days, has been murdered in Kolkata.

May 23, 2024, 00:04 AM IST