bhagwant mann video

Badhir News: Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann gets CRPF's 'Z+' category security

Badhir News is a special section of Zee News for deaf people which is specially designed by keeping deaf people in mind only. This brings you the latest news updates every afternoon.

May 25, 2023, 16:26 PM IST

Bhagwant Mann video exposed whole security system of Parliament, finds Lok Sabha probe panel

According to the Lok Sabha committee constituted to probe the Bhagwant Mann video case, the incident has exposed the whole security system of Parliament.

Jul 26, 2016, 18:45 PM IST

Parliament video: Speaker forms 9-member probe panel, asks Bhagwant Mann not to attend House

AAP MP Bhagwant Mann stoked a controversy after he shot a video clip of his journey from home to Parliament House.

Jul 25, 2016, 11:26 AM IST

Lok Sabha adjourns after uproar over AAP MP Bhagwant Mann's Parliament video, other issues

The Lok Sabha proceedings were adjourned for about an hour on Friday morning after members, mainly from the ruling NDA, created din over the issue of AAP member Bhagwant Mann's videography of Parliament House yesterday.

Jul 22, 2016, 12:06 PM IST

AAP MP Bhagwant Mann defends posting video on Facebook, says has done nothing to risk Parliament security

Aam Aadmi Party MP Bhagwant Mann had on Thursday shot a video clip of his journey from home to Parliament House, including going past the various security pickets.

Jul 22, 2016, 09:05 AM IST