Binary star system

Is Star Wars' Tatooine real? Astronomers find binary star system similar to the fictional planet!

The debris appears to be rocky and suggests that terrestrial planets like Tatooine might exist in the system, according to the researchers.

Mar 01, 2017, 00:10 AM IST

AR Scorpii - The first discovered white dwarf pulsar (See pic)

AR Sco contains a rapidly spinning, burnt-out stellar remnant called a white dwarf, which lashes its neighbour - a red dwarf - with powerful beams of electrical particles and radiation, causing the entire system to brighten and fade dramatically twice every two minutes.

Feb 08, 2017, 14:36 PM IST

Scientists discover three giant planets in binary star system

One star hosts two planets and the other hosts the third. The system represents the smallest-separation binary in which both stars host planets that has ever been observed.

Sep 01, 2016, 13:42 PM IST

Longest-lasting solar eclipse discovered

The previous record holder was Epsilon Aurigae, a giant star that is eclipsed by its companion every 27 years for periods ranging from 640 to 730 days.

Feb 21, 2016, 20:58 PM IST