brown dwarf

'Swarm' of quakes to rock Europe on this day, claims 'tremor expert'

A stellar body known as Brown Dwarf is claimed to be “pulling at the Earth’s tectonic plates” triggering tremors and volcano activity around the world.

Oct 27, 2017, 22:50 PM IST

Astronomers discover cold brown dwarf near our solar system

A brown dwarf, which is a little more than 100 light years away from the Sun was discovered by astronomers with the help of a new citizen-science tool.

Jun 03, 2017, 19:55 PM IST

Astronomers identify record-breaking brown dwarf located 750 light years away

The object, known as SDSS J0104+1535, is a member of the so-called halo - the outermost reaches - of our galaxy, made up of the most ancient stars.

Mar 25, 2017, 13:26 PM IST

NASA's Spitzer and Swift space telescopes reveal elusive brown dwarf!

Brown dwarfs are thought to be the missing link between planets and stars, with masses up to 80 times that of Jupiter, NASA said.

Nov 11, 2016, 12:43 PM IST

First traces of water clouds found outside our solar system

Universe is full of mysteries and surprises. In one of the major astronomical breakthroughs, scientists have spotted some traces that supports the existence of water clouds outside our solar system.

Jul 08, 2016, 04:22 AM IST

NASA's Hubble directly measures rotation of cloudy 'super-Jupiter

The planet, called 2M1207b, is about four times more massive than Jupiter and is dubbed a "super-Jupiter."

Feb 19, 2016, 13:50 PM IST