
An exclusive chat with Dipal Patrawala, the name added to the top Women leaders

 In India, women entrepreneurship is supported by several incentives and schemes so that Indian businesswomen witness and sustain their growth.

Sep 23, 2021, 14:44 PM IST

Know why PepsiCo's CEO hates being called 'sweetie' or 'honey'

Asserting that women in the workplace and society deserve equal treatment, PepsiCo's India-born CEO Indra Nooyi today said she "hates" being called "sweetie" or "honey" and women should be treated as executives or people and not called such names

Apr 08, 2016, 22:11 PM IST

India's 8 most powerful businesswomen

 India's 8 most powerful businesswomen

Apr 07, 2016, 11:41 AM IST