coronavirus cases in Karnataka

TTK Special Edition: Omicron knocks in Karnataka

Cases of the new variant Omicron variant of covid surfaced in India. In the state of Karnataka, 2 infected of this variant have been found.

Dec 02, 2021, 21:18 PM IST

Alert in India about Omicron!

Cases of the new variant Omicron variant of Covid surfaced in India. In the state of Karnataka, 2 infected of this variant have been found. Both the patients are residents of South Africa. Both the patients had come to India in connection with work.

Dec 02, 2021, 21:14 PM IST

Omicron found in Karnataka, one is from South Africa

The Omicron variant of Covid1-19 has now been detected in India.

Dec 02, 2021, 19:54 PM IST

Karnataka may have up to 25,000 active cases by August 15, says COVID War Room chief

Chief of Karnataka COVID-19 War Room Munish Moudgil has recommended three action points for the administration which include tracing all contacts of every patient within 24 hours and effectively quarantining them.

Jun 22, 2020, 12:34 PM IST