coronavirus prevention

India issues guidelines for home quarantine; read here

The home quarantine period is for 14 days from contact with a confirmed case or earlier if a suspect case (of whom the index person is a contact) turns out negative on laboratory testing.

Mar 17, 2020, 12:57 PM IST

Coronavirus: Here are some basic preventive measures

As the number of coronavirus cases in India jumped to 125 on Tuesday (March 17), the government has stepped up the efforts to place the country in a near-total lockdown with states across the country shutting down schools, colleges, parks, gyms and public gatherings. 

Mar 17, 2020, 11:22 AM IST

Coronavirus Scare: Skipping 'handshake', how the world is greeting each other?

Coronavirus is becoming a scare in India also. According to health experts, curb travel, avoid large gatherings, wash hands at regular intervals and visit a physician the moment early symptoms show up. "Right this very moment, you can practice not touching your face while in public. Keep your hands in your pockets, on your hips, or elsewhere. Avoid the temptation to scratch your eyelid, bite your nails, or use your hand to wipe your nose," says the guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the US. Offer "elbow bumps" instead of handshakes, or do `Namaste.` To know, how the world is greeting each other?

Mar 04, 2020, 20:14 PM IST