CPEC not undermining India's sovereignty, Chinese state-media

Even the developed world has shown interest in the project and wants to invest but New Delhi's resistance would lead to “unnecessary opposition” with the developed world, it said.

Apr 07, 2017, 19:20 PM IST

Iran willing to mediate between Pakistan, India over Kashmir: Envoy

Iran has said it is willing to mediate between Pakistan and India over the Kashmir issue if requested as any conflict between the two nations will impact upon the economies of other countries in the region.

Apr 01, 2017, 18:05 PM IST

UK condemns Pakistan's move to declare Gilgit-Baltistan as its fifth province, says it belongs to India

The Gilgit-Baltistan area is Pakistan`s northernmost administrative territory that borders the disputed Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.

Mar 25, 2017, 14:26 PM IST

Children will die, but won't allow Gilgit-Baltistan region to be declared as 5th province by Pakistan - Slogans resound PoK

In more trouble for Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, lawyers in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, were seen protesting against Islamabad's move to make Gilgit-Baltistan fifth province.

Mar 21, 2017, 09:48 AM IST

Eye on 'expansionist' China? India trains Vietnamese soldiers in Mizoram

The Indian Army is training soldiers of the Vietnamese Army in the forests of Mizoram.

Mar 16, 2017, 21:13 PM IST

Pakistan Army aware of hostile agenda against CPEC, insists General Bajwa

Pakistan Army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa has insisted that they are fully aware of the conspiracies which are being hatched against the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Mar 12, 2017, 12:52 PM IST

Chinese media likens PoK with Taiwan; asks India to back CPEC

"The CPEC project won't affect the status quo of Kashmir dispute" as China has stated that it should be resolved between India and Pakistan, Global Times said.

Mar 06, 2017, 21:55 PM IST

Pakistan hopes to resume talks with India after assembly elections

Pakistan hopes that there will be a better environment to pursue peace talks with India after the state assembly elections in the neighbouring country, a senior minister has said.

Feb 04, 2017, 11:56 AM IST

Amid Beijing's "Silk Road" splurge, Chinese companies eye Pakistan

Chinese companies are in talks to snap up more businesses and land in Pakistan after sealing two major deals in recent months.

Feb 03, 2017, 12:37 PM IST

China lauds PM Narendra Modi's for being optimistic about Sino-Indian ties

China on Wednesday hailed Prime Minister Narendra Modi for being optimistic about Sino-Indian ties.

Jan 18, 2017, 21:48 PM IST

Respect India's territorial sovereignty, New Delhi tells Beijing

In the midst of growing unease in their ties, India on Wednesday asked China to respect its territorial sovereignty and said its ascent should not be seen as a threat to China's rise.

Jan 18, 2017, 19:48 PM IST

Afghanistan's HPC blames Pakistan for failure of Taliban peace talks

Afghanistan's High Peace Council (HPC) has slammed Pakistan for its controversial role in the Afghan peace process, saying Islamabad has been the key obstruction in the way of purposeful peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban militant group.

Jan 16, 2017, 10:53 AM IST

'Outlier' China blocking India from becoming NSG member: United States

The outgoing Obama Administration has lashed out at China for blocking India from becoming a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group by describing the Communist giant as an "outlier" in its effort to bring New Delhi on board the elite grouping.

Jan 15, 2017, 15:44 PM IST

Pakistan approved Russia's request to use Gwadar port: Chinese media

Pakistan has approved Russia's request to use Gwadar port in Balochistan being developed by China under the USD 46 billion CPEC, an article in the state- run media said on Thursday, notwithstanding the denial of Russian Embassy in Islamabad.

Jan 05, 2017, 20:15 PM IST

India, Afghanistan & Iran's entry into CPEC project will benefit all, says China

Beijing should invite India, Afghanistan, Iran and other major economies like Russia who may be ideal choices to take part in the CPEC, it wrote.

Dec 30, 2016, 17:38 PM IST

Pak raises 4,000-strong security force to guard Chinese workers for CPEC project

"Security of the Chinese working in Sindh is a top priority of my government. Our Chinese friends are involved in projects which are linked to CPEC and other important schemes,” Sindh CM Syed Murad Ali Shah said. 

Dec 24, 2016, 17:46 PM IST

India registers protest over China-Pak economic corridor; MEA says it 'passes through our sovereign territory'

Beijing has invested more than $60 billion in the CPEC project aimed at connecting the western China with the Pakistani port of Gwadar near Karachi.

Dec 23, 2016, 17:56 PM IST

Pakistan Army commander tells India to shun 'enmity', invites to join China-Pak Economic Corridor

As the tension between the two nuclear-armed neighbours continues to escalate since India conducted surgical strikes across the Line of Control in September, a Pakistan Army Commander on Wednesday invited New Delhi to join the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and share the fruits of future development by shelving anti-Pakistan activities and subversion.

Dec 21, 2016, 17:30 PM IST

CPEC: Pakistan's newest holy cow could also become its millstone

Shabir Choudhry/South Asia Monitor/IANS

Dec 21, 2016, 14:52 PM IST

Russia keen to join China-Pakistan economic corridor - 10 things you should know

 Pakistan on November 26 had approved Russia's request to use the strategic Gwadar Port.

Dec 20, 2016, 03:44 AM IST