
Major weight loss may reverse heart disease risks linked to obesity

Bodyweight is directly associated with almost all cardiovascular risk factors.

Sep 29, 2021, 07:02 AM IST

People with higher insulin resistance are more likely to have stroke: Study

Study also found that higher insulin resistance was linked to a higher risk of death after a stroke.

Sep 27, 2021, 18:12 PM IST

Apples, papayas and other fruits for diabetes patients that are good for their health

Eating seasonal and locally available fruit has many health benefits ranging from reducing sugar and inflammation levels to fighting high blood pressure -- thanks to their abundant vitamins and mineral presence! They are a powerhouse of antioxidants like vitamins A, B, C, E, and minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, and fiber.

Sep 27, 2021, 13:48 PM IST

Not getting enough sleep? You could be eating more snacks

The analysis of data on almost 20,000 American adults showed a link between not meeting sleep recommendations and eating more snack-related carbohydrates.

Sep 21, 2021, 15:29 PM IST

Why elderly, diabetic are at higher risk of COVID infection

Low levels of microRNA (miRNA) immunity increase the risk of COVID-19 infection in older adults and people with diabetes, according to Nanjing University researchers.

Aug 17, 2021, 13:14 PM IST

Millet-based diet can lower risk of type 2 diabetes: Study

Drawing on research from 11 countries, the study published in Frontiers in Nutrition shows that diabetic people who consumed millets as part of their daily diet saw their blood glucose levels drop 12-15 percent (fasting and post-meal), and blood glucose levels went from diabetic to pre-diabetes levels.

Aug 04, 2021, 15:40 PM IST

Cutting 200 calories daily, exercising may improve heart health in obese adults

Modifiable lifestyle factors such as a healthy diet and regular physical activity may help offset age-related increases in aortic stiffness.

Aug 03, 2021, 13:27 PM IST

Exclusive: Practice yoga to help manage your diabetes

On International Yoga Day, we share with you how practicing this ancient exercise form can help you manage diabetes.

Jun 21, 2021, 14:21 PM IST

best yoga asanas for diabetes patients can perform easily at home health news ngmp

कोरोना महामारी के इस दौर में सभी लोग प्रभावित हुए हैं लेकिन डायबिटीज, हाइपरटेंशन और थायराइड जैसी बीमारियों से ग्रसित लोगों को काफी परेशानी का सामना करना पड़ा. इसकी वजह ये है कि कोरोना महामारी के चलते लोगों की दिनचर्या बुरी तरह प्रभावित हुई है. ऐसे में हम आपको ऐसे योगासन के बारे में बता रहे हैं, जो आप घर बैठे आसानी से कर सकते हैं और इनसे शरीर को कमाल का फायदा मिलेगा. तो आइए जानते हैं कि कौन से हैं वो योगासन-

Jun 11, 2021, 12:48 PM IST

Best yoga asanas for diabetes patients

नई दिल्लीः कोरोना काल में डायबिटीज के मरीजों को खासी परेशानी का सामना करना पड़ा है. दरअसल संक्रमण के ज्यादा खतरे और लॉकडाउन की पाबंदियों के चलते उनकी दिनचर्या में हुए बदलाव के कारण उनका शुगर लेवल थोड़ा अनियंत्रित भी हुआ. ऐसे में हम आपको ऐसे पांच आसन को बारे में बता रहे हैं, जिन्हें आप घर बैठे आसानी से कर सकते हैं. खास बात ये है कि ये आसन डायबिटीज के मरीजों को काफी फायदा पहुंचाते हैं.

Jun 10, 2021, 13:56 PM IST

Top 5 yoga asanas for diabetes patients, very beneficial to control sugar level

नई दिल्लीः कोरोना काल में डायबिटीज के मरीजों को खासी परेशानी का सामना करना पड़ा है. दरअसल संक्रमण के ज्यादा खतरे और लॉकडाउन की पाबंदियों के चलते उनकी दिनचर्या में हुए बदलाव के कारण उनका शुगर लेवल थोड़ा अनियंत्रित भी हुआ. ऐसे में हम आपको ऐसे पांच आसन को बारे में बता रहे हैं, जिन्हें आप घर बैठे आसानी से कर सकते हैं. खास बात ये है कि ये आसन डायबिटीज के मरीजों को काफी फायदा पहुंचाते हैं.

Jun 10, 2021, 11:18 AM IST

28,252 mucormycosis cases with 86% history of COVID from 28 states/UTs: Harsh Vardhan

India is also one of the world's fastest countries in terms of the number of doses administered so far. Out of 88.7 crore people who have been administered at least one dose globally, India accounts for 17.9 crore, which is 20.2 per cent of the global coverage.

Jun 07, 2021, 18:52 PM IST

What is the 'sugar connection' of black fungus?

How dangerous is black fungus to sugar patients and does controlled level of diabetes reduces its risk? Watch the video to know.

May 22, 2021, 17:26 PM IST

Exclusive: Should I wear mask after COVID-19 jab? Doctor answers this and other queries on World Health Day 2021

On World Health Day 2021, we spoke to doctors about common myths regarding health care and took their expert opinion so that there is no confusion for you. From whether you should wear a mask after taking COVID-19 vaccine to is it normal to experience extremely painful period cycles, we have all the answers for you.

Apr 07, 2021, 14:45 PM IST

Excess egg consumption can increase the risk of diabetes, finds out research

Study found that people who regularly consumed one or more eggs per day (equivalent to 50 grams) increased their risk of diabetes by 60 per cent. 

Nov 17, 2020, 23:20 PM IST

Rheumatoid arthritis associated with 23% increased risk of diabetes: Study

The research was conducted by Zixing Tian and Dr Adrian Heald, University of Manchester, UK, and colleagues. Inflammation has emerged as a key factor in the onset and progression of T2D, and RA is an autoimmune and inflammatory disease. 

Sep 22, 2020, 01:59 AM IST

Children taking steroids at increased risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, blood clots

The study, which was published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, examined the records of more than 933,000 US children from ages one to 18 with or without autoimmune diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease, juvenile arthritis, or psoriasis.

Sep 17, 2020, 16:39 PM IST

Optimal detection, treatment of cardiac risk could save millions of lives, says Study

There are more than 1.8 million people in England on the coronary heart disease register and more than one million on the stroke or mini-stroke (TIA) register. 

Sep 12, 2020, 00:07 AM IST

Body temperature plays critical role in realising diet-induced health benefits: Study

A new study from teams led by Scripps Research Professors Bruno Conti, PhD, and Gary Siuzdak, PhD, highlights the critical role that body temperature plays in realising these diet-induced health benefits. 

Sep 09, 2020, 17:33 PM IST

Diabetics with poor control more vulnerable to coronavirus COVID-19

India currently stands in second place in the number of diabetes cases across the world after China, according to the International Diabetes Foundation Diabetes Atlas. 

Aug 19, 2020, 15:50 PM IST