
Nicotine sans tobacco may ward off Alzheimer's disease: Study

 Nicotine -- when given independent of tobacco -- could help protect the brain as it ages and even ward off neuro-degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease, US researchers have said.

Sep 22, 2016, 00:22 AM IST

Pac-Man like protein eats dead cells, helps prevent cancer

Researchers at the University of Sheffield in the UK discovered the Rac1 protein switches cell function and causes cells to respond to 'eat me' signals omitted from their dying neighbouring cells and clears them away efficiently to minimise damaging inflammation.

Sep 13, 2016, 15:57 PM IST

Delhi: Chikungunya cases on rise, AIIMS tests 885 blood samples positive

Several hospitals in the national capital are reporting increasing cases of chikungunya, including at Safdarjung Hospital where three deaths due to dengue and one due to malaria have taken place this season.

Sep 08, 2016, 15:59 PM IST

Contraceptive pills behind 'dramatic fall in ovarian cancer deaths'

Scientists say deaths from ovarian cancer have fallen worldwide in 10 years (between 2002 and 2012), thanks to use of the contraceptive pill. They say that the trend is likely to continue in the US, European Union (EU) and, though to a smaller degree, in Japan by 2020.

Sep 06, 2016, 12:53 PM IST

Immature Platelet Fraction test can help avoid unwanted blood transfusion during dengue!

According to doctors, if the IPF, a modern parameter that measures young and thereby reticulated platelets in peripheral blood, is high then there is no requirement of blood transfusion in a dengue patient even if there were initial indications of its requirement.

Sep 06, 2016, 09:11 AM IST

India may have up to three times more TB patients than assumed

The study found that in 2014, the private sector treated between 1.9 million and 5.34 million cases -- or about double the cases handled by government-run hospitals.

Sep 06, 2016, 08:41 AM IST

Reason why you should start running!

Running is considered as the most effective form of exercise to get fit and stay in good health.

Sep 03, 2016, 23:37 PM IST

Do you know traffic jams can make your body susceptible to cancer? - Read

A new study furnished by medical experts has revealed that long traffic jams have the potential to increase various health risks, especially cancer.

Aug 27, 2016, 14:28 PM IST

Lifestyle changes to prevent diabetes can also cut cancer risk: Experts

Appropriate changes in lifestyle have shown reduction in mortality and morbidity of both the diseases.

Aug 26, 2016, 14:18 PM IST

Food allergies linked to higher asthma risk in kids

The researchers found that children with existing food allergy were at increased risk of developing asthma and allergic rhinitis.

Aug 26, 2016, 14:13 PM IST

Avoid getting sick this monsoon with these top health tips!

 Here are some useful tips to ensure you a sickness-free this rainy season.

Aug 25, 2016, 14:02 PM IST

Persistent cough? Five possible causes and why you should see your doctor!

Persistent coughing, along with wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath, is a characteristic symptom of asthma.

Aug 24, 2016, 13:50 PM IST

Five healthy reasons why you should eat salads!

We all love to eat salad in our meal be it for lunch or dinner as it gives  nutritional values to our body.

Aug 13, 2016, 23:34 PM IST

Dengue claims 11 lives in Bengal

 The death toll due to dengue in West Bengal has gone up to 11, an official said on Saturday.

Aug 07, 2016, 00:18 AM IST

Japanese encephalitis: All you need to know about the viral disease

 The incubation period of JEV (time from infection until illness) is typically 5-15 days, but 1 in 250 infections develop into encephalitis.

Aug 02, 2016, 10:01 AM IST

Mizoram takes preventive steps for Japanese encephalitis

Japanese encephalitis has claimed two lives in Manipur last week while over 25 persons were hospitalised.

Aug 02, 2016, 08:37 AM IST

Scientists identify key protein that can predict ovarian cancer early!

 The new findings could not only help detect cancers early, but in some cases would enable doctors to detect a tumour before it becomes cancerous.

Jul 29, 2016, 16:06 PM IST

Hepatitis B, C pose huge health challenge in India: Experts

Hepatitis B is 50-100 times more infectious than HIV and Hepatitis C is 10 times more infectious than the virus that can cause AIDS.

Jul 27, 2016, 16:25 PM IST

Tips to prevent common monsoon diseases!

Monsoon is the season which has been eagerly awaited by everyone to get relief from the scorching heat of summer.

Jul 05, 2016, 23:38 PM IST

Antibiotics may boost harmful gut bacteria

Gastroenteritis is a common side effect of taking antibiotics.

Jun 16, 2016, 16:22 PM IST