DNA analysis

DNA: Will the country be run by law or by 'community'?

The politics of protest against the suspended BJP leader T Raja has started now. There was a huge ruckus in Hyderabad late last night, protesters pelted stones, shouted slogans and the only slogan that was raised repeatedly was 'Sir Tan Se Juda'.

Aug 26, 2022, 00:28 AM IST

DNA: Why is China helpless in front of Taiwan?

If there is anything common in the war triangle between China, Taiwan and America, it is the semiconductor chip. Taiwan has nothing in terms of military strength in front of China and despite this China is not attacking Taiwan. This is because of the semiconductor chip being manufactured in Taiwan which is their super power against China and America.

Aug 25, 2022, 23:42 PM IST

DNA: Why the 'business' of Chinese loan apps is dirty?

An engineer committed suicide by hanging himself after killing his wife and two children in Indore. Chinese loan apps are responsible for this horror. Engineer Amit Yadav had taken a loan from these but he lost the will to live while trying to pay high interests on the loan.

Aug 25, 2022, 23:40 PM IST

DNA: Analysis of cancer risk in kitchen

A research by the University of South California of America has claimed that the use of non-stick utensils can also cause a deadly disease like cancer. It has been told in research that due to the chemical used for coating in these utensils, the risk of cancer increases up to four times.

Aug 23, 2022, 01:00 AM IST

DNA: When will 'thug' bond of pharma company-doctors break?

DOLO...is a drug commonly prescribed for the treatment of fever. This fever medicine has not suddenly hit the tongue of every person in India. For this, Rs 1,000 crore was spent by the company.

Aug 20, 2022, 00:26 AM IST

DNA: Special report on the country's unclaimed treasure

Billions of rupees are left unclaimed in the banks of our country and its owners do not want to take it back. Therefore, now the Reserve Bank will find out such people by running a campaign and then their money will be returned to them.

Aug 20, 2022, 00:14 AM IST

DNA: Why Doctors' hearts swing On Dolo?

Today in DNA, we will talk about the drug DOLO, which has become the country's favorite snack during the Covid period. You must have noticed that during the Covid pandemic, only one medicine was advised to be taken for fever, that medicine was Dolo. All this did not happen suddenly, company had spent Rs 1,000 crore for this.

Aug 20, 2022, 00:04 AM IST

DNA: Putin offers Russian mothers money to have 10 children

Russian President Vladimir Putin has given the task of having 10 children to the women of his country. He has also announced a cash reward for this and women who do so will be given 10 lakh rubles, 13 lakh according to Indian currency. Along with this, she will also be given an award named 'Mother Heroine'.

Aug 19, 2022, 00:12 AM IST

DNA: Taiwan really isn't afraid of China?

Today in DNA we will tell you about the danger of world war looming over the world. Since the visit of US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, China has been warning of taking big steps and its preparations are also like war. To find the answer to this question, today Zee News is also present at Ground Zero in Taiwan.

Aug 19, 2022, 00:06 AM IST

DNA: Will 'new voters' create a 'new Kashmir'?

Due to Article 370 and 35A, neither the people of any other state of India could permanently settle in Jammu and Kashmir nor could they vote in the panchayat or assembly elections. After the scrapping of Article 370 and 35A, now any citizen of the country can exercise this democratic right in Jammu and Kashmir. Election Commission has made an arrangement for that. PDP and National Congress have called it a conspiracy of BJP.

Aug 18, 2022, 23:32 PM IST

DNA: 'Bomb blast' of inflation on the people of Pakistan

Pakistan doesn't lack money or intentions when it comes to funding any terrorist activity in Kashmir. But the Pakistani government is facing a problem in feeding its citizens. The ever-increasing inflation has crossed its limit and the Pakistani people are left with no other option but to bear it.

Aug 12, 2022, 23:52 PM IST

DNA: Mask once again mandatory in Delhi amid rising Covid cases

Nowadays, only a few people can be seen wearing a mask in public places. But now to overcome the increasing cases of corona, the Delhi government has again made it mandatory to wear masks in public places and a fine of Rs 500 will also be imposed for violating this rule.

Aug 11, 2022, 23:48 PM IST

DNA: Side effects of Freebie politics

Today in DNA, we will talk about what kind of India do we want, self-reliant India or an India dependent on freebies. Most of the people in the country must have prepared their land with hard work. You would also want that your children should also struggle in the same way and stand on their own feet. Would you like it if after running for freebies, the condition of our country becomes like Sri Lanka.

Aug 11, 2022, 23:44 PM IST

DNA: Analysis of Freebie politics in India

Nowadays the tradition of giving freebies has emerged very strongly in politics. Aam Aadmi Party has been promising many free things before every election. And after Delhi, AAP has got great success in Punjab. PM Modi has warned many times about free culture in the country.

Aug 10, 2022, 23:10 PM IST

DNA: Dulichand Agarwal gives credit to DNA for his win at KBC

DNA viewer Dulichand Agarwal managed to win 50 lakh rupees by answering 14 questions correctly in the famous TV show KBC. He is giving the credit of his success to Zee Media and his favorite show DNA.

Aug 10, 2022, 00:38 AM IST

DNA: Inflation was high in the UPA government or now?

Congress protested against inflation across the country today and Rahul Gandhi said that he will raise his voice for inflation. Talking about the figures, you will be surprised to know that inflation was more uncontrolled in the UPA than in the Modi government. Watch the DNA test of Congress protest.

Aug 06, 2022, 00:22 AM IST

DNA: Analysis of 3 years since the abrogation of 370

Terrorism has not been completely under control in Kashmir yet and unemployment is still a big problem in Kashmir. Target killing has challenged the law and order situation in Kashmir. There are a lot of challenges but amid these challenges, the biggest truth among all is that our Kashmir is changing and the living example of this is the increasing tourism in Kashmir.

Aug 06, 2022, 00:20 AM IST

DNA: How much has Jammu & Kashmir changed after scrapping of Article 370 and 35A

After the scrapping of Article 370 and Article 35A, Jammu and Kashmir is now under the ambit of one legislation, one constitution. It can be said that today on the third anniversary of scrapping of these articles, Jammu and Kashmir is entering a new era. Now two flags are not waved in Jammu and Kashmir and the law followed in India is followed and applicable here as well.


Aug 06, 2022, 00:16 AM IST

DNA: Congress's Designer Protest on Inflation!

Congress has announced to protest against inflation and unemployment across the country. But the question is about their timing. The question is why Congress has started talking about inflation when the ED after its investigation of Rahul and Sonia Gandhi proceeded with its proceedings in the National Herald case. Now, how can people believe that the protest lead by Congress on the issue of inflation is actually in public interest.

Aug 05, 2022, 23:48 PM IST

DNA: Pakistan's new tool kit to defame India over scrapping of Article 370

Today we will tell you about a new tool kit of Pakistan, through which Pakistan is once again plotting to defame India on the international stage. On August 5, 2019, India had announced the removal of Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir and even at that time Pakistan had tried a lot to defame India on Article 370. Now through a new tool kit Pakistan is once again intensifying activities in many European countries to tarnish India's image.

Aug 04, 2022, 23:54 PM IST