encrypted iPhone

Good news! Now, your private communication on WhatsApp is fully protected

The Facebook-owned mobile application with one billion users worldwide made the announcement following weeks of intense debate over efforts by US authorities to compel Apple to help break into an encrypted iPhone.

Apr 06, 2016, 09:20 AM IST

Apple chief calls FBI iPhone case 'bad for America'

Apple chief Tim Cook went public in his battle with the FBI, saying that unlocking an iPhone in the name of fighting terrorism would be "bad for America."

Feb 25, 2016, 09:29 AM IST

Pichai backs Apple in battle over unlocking terrorist's iPhone

Google CEO Sundar Pichai has backed Apple in its battle with FBI over opposing a US court's ruling to unlock the iPhone of a Pakistani-American terrorist who shot dead 14 people in California, saying forcing companies to enable hacking could "compromise" user's privacy.

Feb 18, 2016, 15:16 PM IST

Privacy vs security at heart of Apple phone decrypt order

A court order demanding that Apple Inc help the US government unlock the encrypted iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooters is shaping up as a crucial test case of how far the government can go in forcing technology companies to help security and intelligence investigations.

Feb 18, 2016, 12:33 PM IST